Communism,Social Democracy, Or Union Parties, Whats right for you!

Day 925, 18:28 Published in Ireland Ireland by KarlKorne

Greetings Fellow Irishmen and Women,

Today my article is about the various parties and the true nature of that said party. Why would you fit in and why you wouldn't desire to be with them. There has been a growing presence of select parties and the parties truly for Ireland are fading into the dust. But this article is meant to bring those Parties of the Irish and the Future to life.

*Labour Party-Communists"
My First topic is about our "Labour Party", Labour Parties are very old parties usually, They tend to be a very tightly ran party. Carrying the promise of "For the People, Of the People". But through history has shown us that Labour parties are secretly if barely that anymore. Communism Parties which take control of the whole entire nation. Dictating it to that of a select group of individuals rules. Such as a Council of Communists that have served in the party a steady amount of time. The Communist of Ireland are a very well knit older community of known communists.

The Party of Irelands Labour Party are heavy supporters of a military recognized as a commune military, Which is endorsing foreigners to join Ireland and fight for Irelands Soil. This can be a beneficial form of military. But it also exposes Ireland in many other ways. It allows Foreigners to eventually become citizens and trusted over time. Which can be both good and bad. But the problem with such a policy is that with a commune. Trusting the foreigners can be a mistake as it would allow to become a PTOer. By earning our trust, It allows them to play the cards they are one of us. But in the end, Would use it against Ireland by building up there support for there nation of preference and take control of Ireland.

Labour Party also is supportive of State owned only corporations. This again has benefits and disadvantages to that of Ireland. By having exclusive state owned companies, Labour Party cuts off entrepreneurial ideas. Reducing personal growth withing Ireland. Forcing people to slowly choose between serving the nation directly by military work or a state owned company. Reducing morale of its citizens. Leaving less opportunities and growth for our proud nation. This can only stunt the growth of a nation. It can only damage ones national productively abilities as well as there trade agreements.

*Ireland Freedom Party-Capitalism*
Well, The Irish Freedom Party, What can be truly said about this party. Ive been in Ireland not the longest of stays. But this party itself is quite uniquely and chopped up. They have no set real values or systems they truly stay or believe in. Each candidate can choose there backgrounds. They could support communism or capitalism. But showing that this party has the largest political sway in Ireland tells us that. This very party could be the most powerful. But under what grounds is it the most powerful party. Is it that the Party has a large capital influence. That they offer there members exclusive benefits. Have we actually seen alot come from such a party that calls itself the Freedom Party. Ive yet to see a single action that marks them as a true to the word Freedom Party. The bulk of the power and influence behind this party is its capitalism. The party uses its weight to enhance its control over the country. Using that weight it carries to bully smaller parties into a surrender and that they should become and run as IFP candidates for congress.

Im sorry MooMoo and Irish princess, But whats there to really separate the IFP and IUP. Your basically the same party, Using two different flags to hide its power and not pose as a the actually capitalist party.

*Ireland Union Party-Union/Capitalism*
Yet again,. Everything I mentioned about the IFP goes for IUP. What can truly be said about these parties that separates them. Besides the name and the amount of seats they control in our countries congress.

*Ireland Social Democrats*
This party, The party recognized as ISD, Socialists,Social Democrats. The party truly of the nation and its people. Social Democracy is the party that promotes a mixed development of the nation. The party promotes its members and members of other parties that have shown the true colors of a Irishman or Irishwomen in themselves. The Party has published its manifesto that shows that the party endorses a mixed economically which sets it apart from the other parties.

Social Democracy believes heavily in mixed economy, Which is when the Irish Nation develops the system of both state owned and state supported companies. Promoting entrepreneurship throughout Ireland. Suggesting it to all its citizens. To find ways to enhance the Irish economy. Offering Government Financial aid to help privately owned companies flourish, And to hire Irish citizens solely for there employment staff.

Social Democracy supports a single solidified military force. Ordering the shut down of the ICA, merging them with the Irish Defense Force. By having two separate military powers it can leave power feuds between the leaders of the military forces. Eventually forming a civil war for power between the military powers. Such as a Military power which believes in fighting other nations for others nations or a military power whose goal and main concern is that of Ireland. That is what SD desires. A Single military presence that is unified under a council of officers who run the military jointly. Under the sole Control of the people.

SD promotes the growth of every Irish Citizen. So why do you the citizen of Ireland fall under the guise of so called freedom and union parties. Even that of Labour Parties which if you look into them are that of communism parties.

It is my hope that you, The Irish citizen wise up and join Independent Voices,Ireland Socialist Democrats, or a minor party that proven to not be of a capitalism or that of communism.

This was Karl Korne
Ambassador to South Africa
Ambassador to Thailand
Ambassador to Hungary
Ambassador to Netherlands
Party President of Irelands Social Democrats