Communiqué #1: Real Life is Elsewhere

Day 1,290, 16:07 Published in Spain United Kingdom by Johnobrow
I dreamed I saw Johnobrow last night,
Alive as you or me
Says I, "But Johno, you're three months dead,"
"I never died," says he.
"I never died," says he.

The rumours of my death have been greatly exaggerated. The story I am told is that I committed an act of self-immolation in desperate protest at commodity-spectacle e-society. Some said I was making a point, others that I got a life. The truth is in fact somewhere in between.

Evidently I did not engulf myself in flames, virtual or otherwise, and evidently I did not commit suicide, I never died. The truth, that the authorities hid from you all through their unmerciful censorship, is that I experienced THE RAPTURE! I was swept up and cast into a strange land called "Real Life". This land resembles our own in many ways; it has work and war and propaganda and commodities and spectacle, just like our own. But it differs from our own in one crucial respect. Whereas in Virtuality the only escape ultimately is death, in Reality the escape is life.

I uncovered that just as here there is the void; alienation and boredom, there there is also the void; alienation and boredom. But I also uncovered that there the void is avoidable, that life is possible; not survival, but actual real life.

This is the reason for my return. I come to share this secret, to blow it out of the water! To pull down the spectacle and reveal the secret in all its naked glory. e-Suicide is of course the only way to escape eRepublik, but what is the point of escaping eRepublik if you have not escaped the void in "Real Life"? This is the secret I've come to share; escape from spectacle, escape from work, escape from alienation, escape from boredom, escape from survival - ESCAPE!

My return shall not be permanent - I shall leave again and I hope to take as many of you away with me as possible. In the meantime; jump!

More will be revealed about this mysterious real life and my adventures within in the communiqués that will follow this first.

P.S. I seem to have landed in Barcelona - pretty cool, but I do not speak Spanish (or Catalan) - HELP!

P.P.S. Some will say my return has something to do with me being dumped. This is a counter-revolutionary bourgeois lie. Pay no attention to it, comrades.