Commune Info and Raffle Winner!

Day 762, 18:02 Published in USA USA by Zanmor

There's a lot going on. First, a huge congratulations to EDEN and China in the efforts against HIRIS/Phoenix. Second, Commune Alpha has expanded to a Q1 weapons factory in Quebec, Canada! Finally, the following is a long note about the role of the commune, ultimately, and how our efforts are working towards this. The Q1 house raffle winner is at the bottom and the winner has already received the house. Congratulations!

The Commune Model and Goods

The commune exists in order to minimize the difficulty in fulfilling the material needs of its members as well as giving the worker-members greater authority in the affairs of the business they work in. No doubt the philosophy isn’t even generally accepted and often not understood by all. To put it shortly, yes, the weaker members are subsidized by the productivity and generosity of the stronger members. This isn’t evil and is even recognized by our government with 0-hub businesses to give unmarketable labor a resource to get better and feed themselves, as well as through efforts to move citizens from the wastelands, gift them up to fighting wellness, and a number of other efforts which we recognize as ultimately being best for us all. This applies on a local level as well though this system perhaps isn’t for everyone and receives more criticism. I say perhaps because in my estimation this is a great system for distributing, not wealth, per se, but the products of labor, which is ultimately what the market is supposed to do.

Commune Alpha delivers a Q1 food to each worker for each day they work. We know this is all you (anyone) needs. The Socialist Freedom Party Commune can gift members and supply moving tickets upon request. They also raise a militia (Bear Cavalry) that is entirely supported by the commune. I would like to see Commune Alpha reach this point, and believe we can gift members as necessary to keep wellness up. We will also be expanding to a Q1 weapons factory soon and I hope some products of that venture will go into the hands of our members and used to help liberate regions across the globe. All material needs can and ultimately will be accounted for.

The current market puts all its emphasis on gold and currency. These are goods that act as measures of value and wealth and many don’t understand why someone would work for minimum wage when they could get a better salary on the open market because of this. Ultimately currency is entirely useless. Our workers don’t (or won’t) need it to buy any goods as the commune exists to provide these. Gold has a use in the game for advertising and newspapers and a few other things, but ultimately even this is rather removed from the daily needs of any member. I find gold from medals is more than enough to fill my needs (which are ultimately unnecessary ads) and routinely donate some of it away to various orgs.

If the commune is successful (and ours is greatly so) then it will undoubtedly see an influx of gold and currency, which are useless to the members. These things do have uses within game for the commune as a whole. Gold is necessary in obtaining new businesses (within the commune or in helping to establishing other communes) . Beyond that, a properly funded militia would use gold to purchase wellness boxes for its soldiers, increasing the damage they do. Even then this is due to game mechanics which don’t allow businesses or wellness packs to be produced in any other manner and not due to a real ‘physical’ need for gold or currency.

Ultimately a desire in its members for gold and currency stands against what the goals of the commune are. Commune Alpha cannot currently fulfill all the material needs of its workers but is expanding and working towards this end. Furthermore it can provide the most basic needs of the members in Q1 food as well as being profitable enough to subsidize for other absolute necessities as required by purchasing off the market. There is no reason that the fairly near future will not see us able to care for all the desires of our members. When all material wants are sated, currency, which only acts as an indirect relation between labor and material, becomes unnecessary.

Q1 House Raffle

Congratulations to Jamer214! The Q1 house has been transferred. Enjoy your new home. I will be doing another one soon and the promised innovation articles will be published shortly thereafter.