Coming Soon..

Day 1,351, 18:20 Published in USA USA by PHISHPHAN

Im a dreamer.. I like to daydream about things id like to have or think would be cool. Develop that idea and then wonder why the hell nobody else hasnt thought of that. Like everyone else i presume

for instance..

I just wanted to put her in this really..

anyones for us gold buyers there are coming soon items. I have a few ideas and I would love to hear some of your ideas. Just for the hell of it because why would they implement a good idea.

- The right to be able to build on your land a housing company and moving ticket company. So you would get a building on your land just like all the others and would be able to make a small amount of these items. You would be able to sell them to players on the market and they could buy them if they had an open spot in their land. They would get a different looking house than the others we already have and it would regenerate however much health.

I think it would be good idea but what do i know.

I could think of others but would like to hear from others.

please vote and sub
