Colorado or bust!

Day 942, 21:07 Published in USA USA by Z Industries


-Former Ambassador to eFinland
-Former region Boss of Northern Europe
-Former Training Corps Private
-Former UIP Chief
-Current Sec of Tech/Design for UIP
-1 Term Kongressman
-Currently AWESOME
-Makes really cool graphics. Like the ones in this article.

I oppose pretty much all income tax and VAT tax increases. Period. However, I am partial to a slightly higher import tax, say maybe 5 percent or so on raw materials we already have.

What I want to do:
I want us to be as prepared as possible for V2. I am already in on the beta, and I see quite a few things we need to prepare for. (Such as military structure, how they operate) I also want to lower taxes. Yes, this means budget cuts, but I'm pretty sure we can take them. Also, I figure it will be useful to use my newly found graphic/tech skillz in congress for whatever they need.
