Colorado, it's real simple...

Day 1,340, 12:54 Published in USA USA by Animis
Hey Colorado, it's real simple... before we go any further, this should be the deal maker -- PIZZA IS MY OPPONENT, Com'on, don't we have enough trouble without putting this guy in Congress? For me it is a "You had me at Pizza" kinda moment. If you want to read more I have many additional qualities, besides not being Pizza, which I believe should convince you to support my candidacy and to vote me into the eUSA Congress on the USWP Line--

I have the experience, the know how, the connections and ability to work with Congress and others to accomplish some basic things in this term.

WE need to rid our nation of these pigs, do I really need to list them, let's just kick them out!

WE need to get our economy working at a very high level to have adequate supplies weaps and food and everything we need to keep these pigs out forever. Although Congress generally doesn't do much in diplomacy, except to approve and support our President and WH as they work with allies to build strong alliances allowing us to share valuable resources so we all can create and enjoy prosperity, you can count on me to do whatever I can to make these things happen.

WE need to encourage new players to get to their peak activity level and to train work, and fight daily so they can get stronger and stronger, and serve in the military to BI-WIN... I wasn't born this way!

WE need to encourage established players to stay in the game by recognizing and supporting them in all the ways they help others.

WE, as congress, as military members, as citizens of the USA, need to work together to accomplish these goals. I will serve you by doing this.

I promise not to sing ANY John Denver Songs!

Oh, and did I mention; I'm not some creepy man-boy from Joisey who has the equivalent rank pts. of many less than one month old players, can we trust him during a time of war? Too bad they don't give rant pts., as he espouses some crazy home made brew of patched together conservatism and wants to apply it to the game play of eUSA just because he believes in it in RL... forget the constant talk of multis and all other weirdo stuff, this guy doesn't understand a thing about this game except the trolling self indulgent 'look-at-me', 'look-at-me' part, and that's the danger he brings.