Colorado Congress Update (Everyone Look at This)

Day 377, 20:31 Published in USA USA by denversbest02

To start I would again like to thank everyone for voting me in for congress and will be running again next term so please vote for me. Also I am open to any suggestions or ideas that you have. Remember the best way to get to know everyone and get active in this game is to register on the eUSA forums. Here is the link:

Like I promised, I will be delivering updates on what is going on at our nation’s congressional level and also what is going on around erepublik. I will also write about what I have voted on and why. So let’s get down to business. There have been 8 proposals ranging from minimum wage changes to tax changes. Here is a breakdown of how I voted and why, along with the outcome.

Minimum wage proposal (Nov 25th): From $1 to $2
Outcome: Rejected
My vote: Yes
Reason: The reason I voted yes on this one is because the offers available are over or around $2 for a 0 skill worker. It made sense to me to make it $2.

New citizen fee (Nov 25th): From $5 to $8
Outcome: Rejected
My vote: No
Reason: After discussing with other congressman, a $3 increase was insufficient. If we were going to go with it, it had to be at least $10. After further discussion, many feel it is a waste of money to pay citizens who are inactive.

Buy Construction (Nov 26th): Q2 Defense system for Arizona
Outcome: Approved
My vote: Yes
Reason: Not only does Arizona border another nation, it also contains one of our sources for iron.

Buy Construction (Nov 27th): Q5 Hospital for Florida
Outcome: Approved
My vote: Yes
Reason: Florida is a border state and contains a high population.

Tax Change (Nov 27th): Changing diamond import tax from 45% to 1%. Also changes diamond income tax from 5% to 1%.
Outcome: Approved
My vote: Yes
Reason: Our diamond supply is hurting, so it makes since to allow imports to make up for it and reduce income tax for domestic companies.

Tax Change (Nov 28th): Changing Food import tax from 99% to 45%.
Outcome: Approved
My vote: Yes
Reason: Decrease in import tax will increase demand of imported goods. This will combat some of the higher costs of food.

Buy Construction (Nov 30th): Q1 hospital for New Mexico
Outcome: Still pending but will be approved
My vote: Yes
Reason: No hospital in state at the moment, and is also a border state.

Tax Change: (Nov 30th): Changing Defense System import tax from 99% to 1%. Also change Defense System income tax from 7% to 1%.
Outcome: Still pending but will be approved
My vote: Yes
Reason: I was a little hesitant to vote yes because we do not want to discourage our own domestic companies by showing we are open to importing. But I voted yes because we guaranteed to not buy out of the country and it is a pointless tax, the money ends up right back in our pocket, so there is no need for it.

This has been all of the proposals so far and I have voted on every one of them and participated on the forums when it was necessary. Like I said earlier, to find a lot of this information, go to the eUSA boards. There is a ton of useful information and you will be instantly involved in the game. I am open to any criticism from anyone, especially citizens from Colorado, because I am representing them. Also I will post another update in about 7 to 10 days. I also hope that more congress members do this so their citizens can see how they voted and how active they really are.

I would also like to point out that I am endorsing a fellow AAP member in his run for President. I wish Leo Ruby all of the luck in the world and will stand by him in saying that he would be a great candidate and to make sure you vote for him.

And please Subscribe to the paper. Thanks