Colombia Enters New Mexico

Day 659, 01:30 Published in USA Philippines by Leannonn Elrinndael

Colombia has "conquered" New Mexico, after US retreated from the battle in order to launch more attacks on Russia 🙂 No less than 4 regions are under direct attacks - Missouri (-157k), Iowa (-209k), Minnesota (-84k) and Indiana (-22k), while there are active RWs in 3 other regions - New York (-6k) and Pennsylvania (-4k) were started by Russia, and Wisconsin (-1k) by Serbia.


There is maybe some tactial reasoning behind the first two RWs (creating a buffer towards Canada), but the third one is at the moment completely unnecessary. If you take a closer look, the list of neighbouring regions for Wisconsin does show Ontario, but looking from the other side there's no Wisconsin in the list, so a Canadian attack on this region would not be possible. At least until the admins fix the bug 😉

EDIT: The bug has been fixed - Ontario does not border Wisconsin 🙂

Will US manage to keep the pace up? I suppose the Colombians will not stop there, but America seems so focused on Russia and obviously expects to get rid of Colombia easily once Russia is taken out. The latest events will certainly delay the end of the war, but it remains to be seen for how long.


As far as yesterday's battles are concerned, US conquered Nebraska (-178k) and Colorado (-212k). Both battles went well into underground during the day and after that the wall was just maintained at the same level until the end. Something similar is happening today too, as the walls in Missouri and Iowa are already quite low, while Minnesota and Indiana are being lowered as we speak.

Spain started a RW for Canary Islands (+128k), after starting a diversion at Free State (+12k). However, the strategy that worked so well against France doesn't seem to faze Brazil very much. On the other hand, it's strange they didn't try to liberate Andalucia first, so maybe this is just an initial test for the opponent 😉


The list of active battles also includes a RW for Southeast of Mexico (-1k) which was started by Greece in order to hamper Colombia a bit, while Canada keeps blocking Hungary with a RW (+157k) and an attack on Nunavut (+247k). There's also the RW in Lower Saxony and Bremen (-11k) for Hungary, but that's just them returning regions to Germany.

Until tomorrow.

Take care,

[ Nebraska(20h) + Colorado + Missouri(11h) + Iowa(7h) + Minnesota(3h) ]
PEACE :: Indonesia +1055k, Russia +304k, Serbia +295k, Brazil +157k, Iran +139k
EDEN/FORTIS :: Romania -652k, USA -480k, Greece -416k, Poland -384k, Spain -330k, Croatia -215k, Sweden -131k