Coda's Response

Day 666, 20:32 Published in Canada Serbia by Coda

Date: September 14th.
Location: Quebec City.
Mission: To attend a meeting with the eCanadian leaders... little did I know what William Duncan was planning.

After the conference with the leaders of eCanada I was invited by William Duncan for a walk. I figured he wanted to talk to me about some of the topics we had discussed during the meeting.

While we were walking along the surreal and beautiful boardwalk in Quebec I could tell that something was eating away at William Duncan. Not to make the situation awkward for the both of us I tried to stay focused on the topics presented at the meeting. I even threw out some silly language saying "those buggers" trying to get him to stop focusing on his feet while he walked and make him feel more comfortable. His hands clenched in his jacket pockets made me feel uneasy, not knowing what he was thinking or why he had asked me out for a walk.

After continuing on for a bit longer William Duncan finally stopped, I looked at him wondering what he was doing. He finally looked up from his feet staring directly into my eyes, then saying "there's something I have to ask you"

Dumbfounded I replied "…Yeah? What is it now? More pestering about reforms? I told you I was taking care of it!" feeling kind of defensive about the situation.

He finally pulled out this black box from his jacket pocket which he had been holding this entire time. Opening the box there was a ring inside. With poise he asked "Coda, will you eMarry me?"

It took me by surprise and I was reminded by something William Duncan had told me before while we were at an officers meeting. He had fondly talked about Quebec city and how he was going to ask his future eBride to marry him on the boardwalk. All that time I had wished I could be that girl.

Looking fondly at William Duncan, and smiling I replied.

"Yes. I will eMarry you William Duncan"