COBRA Announces Plans to PTO Democratic Action League

Day 575, 22:34 Published in Canada Canada by COBRA Organization

COBRA is a political and paramilitary organization for those disillusioned with the government and the people who hold power in it. COBRA is a brotherhood of individuals whose motivations are money, power, and an undying need to see their enemies lying broken under foot. The goals and activities of COBRA are as follows:

COBRA Manifesto

1) To affect a Political Takeover of the Democratic Action League through covert and nefarious means.
2) The undermining and destruction of the tyrannical Jacobi regime through covert and nefarious means.
3) The accumulation of general wealth and power through... yep, you guessed it... covert and nefarious means.
4) The complete and total destruction of our enemies. COBRA will post a weekly updated enemies list so as to better streamline the destruction of said enemies.
5) World Domination... because you would be disappointed if this wasn’t one.

1) COBRA will engage in Foreign Political Takeovers, in coordination with allied foreign entities, in an attempt to liberate the thousands of gold and currency held captive by newly created countries (such as those in South America). We will be greeted in the streets as liberators, and the newly acquired wealth will be distributed among COBRA members.
2) COBRA will engage in foreign military adventures, acting as a private army to the world’s most generous regimes in exchange for rewards to be distributed among COBRA members. We’ll be like a bunch of David Johnsons... except people will hire us....
3) COBRA will maintain an effective espionage network within the Canadian government to ensure that the public hears about all of our country's secrets and dirty laundry. No publicity is bad publicity, right? CSIS try and stop us.
4) COBRA will create an easy purpose for the Supreme Court by ensuring that it constantly breaks all laws currently in force in Canada, while at the same time trying extra hard to break all laws passed in the future.

So youve read the Manifesto and your in complete agreement? The best news of all is that COBRA is hiring, and we want you! But what kind of opportunities does COBRA offer? The answer is many.

The Blueshirts are the rank and file members of the COBRA party. Attracted whether out of a sense of brotherhood, political alignment, or just plain greed; these are the basic foot soldiers of COBRA who cast the votes, fire the guns, and write the articles necessary to further our organizations schemes.

The Crimson Guard is COBRA’s fifth column within Canadian society and the government. These are individuals who seemingly live normal, productive lives and serve in military and political positions within the government and other political parties. They seem friendly and unthreatening. However they are in fact agents of COBRA who have sworn an undying allegiance to COBRA Commander himself. They are not members of the COBRA political party, but work to further the goals of COBRA by accumulating financial and political power, while at the same time undermining the effectiveness of their unsuspecting public masters.

Would you like to become a COBRA Blueshirt? Then simply join the political party and sign up for the forums (NOTE: FORUMS COMING SOON).

Would you like to become a member of the Crimson Guard? Then simply PM this organization and you will be issued your COBRA alias and serial number. Remember that members of the Crimson Guard are secret, but will covertly receive a certain percentage of all COBRA loot while working undercover.

So sign up today! And remember, knowing is half the battle.

Your Fearless Leader,

COBRA Commander