CNC- Rebirth of an idea, rebuilding a nation

Day 1,572, 18:11 Published in Canada Canada by Treian

Greetings my fellow eCanadians

Tonight I announce my intentions to rebuild the former CNC party (Canadian National Coalition) in the hopes that it's once great ideals can help rally ecanadians again to unity and the betterment of our nation.

The original Canadian National Coalition was founded as the first party after the wipe of 2009, to give all ecanadians a place from which to rebuild a nation and reform a government. It was built on unity, national loyalty, to help one another and to better our nation.

It is my hope that with a centralist party, who's views are clear, it's objectives forged through national ideas, and it's people dedicated to the nation and it's citizens, we can once again forge a nation to be proud of and bring it's people together.

Now I am not naive at all, this is not an overnight solution, it will take time and effort and I cannot do it alone. I am looking for anyone interested in building a party who's goal is national unity and advancing the nation as a whole, while helping it's people in any way possible.

The current BGMPM party was made from the old CNC party, it was vulnerable after the merge and it has been transformed into what it is today. I am asking all it's current members if they would like to join me in this effort and restoring the CNC to it's roots. This is NOT a PTO, I will not be taking the party by force, but I am campaigning for the return of it's original purpose.

I look forward to hearing from all those interested in rebuilding the idea that helped to heal a nation once.

Former CP
eCanadian knight and loyal citizen.