Day 3,053, 03:46 Published in Estonia Estonia by Dodo Moron

So, You might have heard about dictatorship war last week in Estonia. It started badly but ended well. Well, as well as it could. I am going to make a short recap so you know what really happened.

It all started ten days prior to the war. A Latvian military unit decided to overthrow our dictator. They succeeded. It was not much of surprise, as determination for this war was around 11x. You do not have to be Einstein to realise what’s possible and what’s not in these conditions. The next day all of a sudden we had congress. And we had 10 days to decide what to do next. Also for once, our president could not call himself dictator.

Day 1 of democracy
Our government gave congress two tasks. Firstly, to figure out what to do with 220 gold in our treasury. Plan was to donate it to an government organization. Secondly, to think about what will happen next, should we install dictator or not.

Day 2 of democracy
Nothing happened.

Day 3 of democracy
Nothing happened.

Day 4 of democracy
Nothing happened.

Day 5 of democracy
Nothing happened.

Day 6 of democracy
Nothing happened.

Day 7 of democracy
I dicovered I’m part of congress. Also I discovered there is no option to donate gold from trasury. Bummer.

Day 8 of democracy
Nothing happened.

Day 9 of democracy
Nothing happened.

Day 10 of democracy
Nothing happened.

The day after
Congress appeared to be impotent, no desicions were made. I guess being silent counted for continuing the way things are. However Latvians had something to say about it. They started a revolution. F**k.

Usually in Estonia, as the revolution war starts our government is nowhere near the place they should be. So few active citizens took it in their hands, until our leaders showed up. Two of them got medal of honour, I did not so I’m a bit butthurt. We managed to take victories from divisions 1 and 2 in first battle. Then I ran out of energy bars so I started to play with combat orders. M4A4 helped a lot. Soon after (few hours later) gladly Estonian government emerged from oblivion and did their magic. They managed to activate a lot of allies and keep Latvians out of points. So technically the latter ran out of money and gave up. Our president bought the military unit with money from donations and made a claim that from this moment onwards he decides who will run the country next and it won’t matter anymore who is the elected president. F**k.

Of course the reaction was outrageous. Some even went so far and insisted him to be called a traitor. I do not agree completely. So far our president (who actually prefers to call himself dictator) has done an amazing job. We are lucky to have so many great allies and a lot in this has to do with our president. Or dictator.

And it gets even better. Our congress has now again no function which is great considering the capability of making desicions we had. Well, Estonia is more. For some time at least.

A big thanks to everyboby who has something to do with it.

PS. I wasn’t high AF while writing this, I promise…

The International Cloud Paper, e-day 3053, 2016