Close Call

Day 1,833, 20:09 Published in Ireland USA by Raven Anarcho

A new month results in a new batch of congress members. This article will focus on some advice that a few of Ireland's most experienced congress members have to offer some of Irelands first term Dail.


Mexico and the US were brought close to a full scale war just months after Mexico gained it's first territory back from the last war. Before things escalated any further after the NEs had been proposed, the president of Mexico, listener1 met in talks with the US president, Cerb and established the war as a training war, agreeing that no countries will keep any territories won.


South America is beginning to look like its old self again, as Mexico has retreated, Spanish presence dwindles, Chile has moved back in and Columbia has begun taking back its regions. Paraguay has also gained back one of its regions.


Australia has gained back much of its land lately, as Chile recently began fighting both the US and Australia. Now however the war has become evenly matched and both sides are taking turns conquering each territory.


Irish Union Party
Term: 16th
Reason For Running: "I run every term to add an experienced voice in the Dail chorus. I have been around for many years, and that lends perspective that some of the newer TDs may not be able to share. The newer members bring much needed youth and energy, while the older veterans bring experience and knowledge. It's a balance every congressional term needs."
Advice: "Newer members should try to remain open minded. No two people are exactly alike. That very human nature can lead to lively debates. My advice is to embrace those debates. Do not close your ears to other points of view, just because you disagree with someone else. I have not agreed with everything done by eIrish leadership. But keeping our voices in the discourse can only expand perspective of the whole group."

Independent Voices
Term: 20th
Reason For Running: "I ran this month to try to find a reason to keep playing this "game" AND to be a voice of reason should we have a rogue congressman vote to NE the likes of Poland again and being a firm believer in having the lowest taxes possible try to lower our recently raised tax levels."
Advice: " Don't act the bollix , Do not make random tax/natural enemy proposals and always check with people/party members or other congress members before giving citizenship to somebody you cannot vouch for."

Term: 5th
Reason For Running: "Dail needs more independent thinkers, and less party politics. I ran via Saoirse for the chance to voice critical opinions and offer solutions in the governance of eIreland, without bias of any party policy; I am very grateful to Stilpo and Saoirse's open minded approach to selecting their candidates."
Advice: "Always question, no one is above reproach; However remember, you hold governments accountable but are not the government."

Term: 14th
Reason For Running: "I decided to run this term for a number of reasons. Listed in no particular order these include: I wanted to find out what sort of congressmen are running the country at the moment, I want to be "in the loop" and know what is happening with the country without having to ask anyone else, I want to have my say on law proposals, find out the reasons behind some of those random law proposals that make no sense to me and last but certainly not least the gold."
Advice: "When the group message goes out to congress and if you want to change/propose a new law debate it first in the congress message as a lot of the time the taxes are set the way they are now for a reason along with the minimum wage. This includes putting forth a Natural Enemy proposal, we are not at war at the moment for many reasons including our treasury being almost bankrupt, having a small military compared to the surrounding countries and/or being allies with them.
When giving out Irish citizenship, I would advise to ask around first before giving it to citizens who request it as some of them might be trying to enter our country for reasons that are against eIrish interests. Find out if possible if they really want to become part of the Irish community or trying to take us over from the inside. This is normally called a Political Take Over effort."

Liam Tatlock
Independent Labor Party
Term: 5th
Reason For Running: "I made a decision to get more involved in the political side of the game a while ago and Congress and MoF junior minister fits that bill. I also think Congress needs responsible people who won't drag Ireland into ill-advised wars or other suspect proposals."
Advice: " Ask questions. Your vote is your own, but I would hope that you would vote according to the principals of the party that you stood for. Oh, and don't leave Congress a few days after being elected. It's disrespectful to those who didn't get in."

I was very disappointed with the U.K.'s decision to deny another region swap. Since then I have been primarily focusing on two-clicking with exception to my most recent BH (Australia v. Chile) I will continue to focus on gaining more strength for the time being while fighting primarily for BHs until Ireland enters another conflict.


Issue Song:
The Pogues - Sunny Side Of The Street

"Anarchy therefore, is liberty; is the negation of force, or compulsion, or violence. It is the precise reverse of that which those who hold & love power would have their oppressed victims believe it is." - Albert Parsons

The Irish Radical issue #12