Classes? Yes Please :D

Day 923, 15:27 Published in South Africa South Africa by Stryke Blayde

Some of you have undoubtedly heard about my candidation for eSouth African President. Some, however, havn't, so there's the link if you're wondering. As you can see from my platform, I didn't truly go into depth on my plans. I have economic ideas and educational plans I plan on establishing while my term as Country President is under way, and I feel as though you should know exactly what the candidates you're going to decide between are going to do during their term.

So, what to start off with? It's a decision that came relatively easy for me. While it'll take me a couple days to get all the economic plans/ideas into order so I can write about them, I can almost recite what my educational plans are by heart.

See, education here in eRepublik is important. Without education, people don't know how things go, and they become frustrated. They get angry at the game because they don't understand the mechanics, the ways of things, the procedures, the customs, etc. I could go on and on with what people don't understand when they have to figure everything out for themselves, but that'd just be a ton of stuff, and that's only a detail of this article. The point is, people who have to figure everything out for themselves normally don't have as much fun as those who have help in the game.

I plan on introducing, or helping to establish, some classes meant to teach those who're willing how this game works. If you look at the eSouth African Armed Forces, they have such a program, dubbed the Training Division Academy. This program teaches recruits how the Military Module works, and I have to say it's pretty well structured.

Like I said in my platform, I plan on establishing two more classes in my term, economic and political respectively. These will be placed under guidance of the Department of Education. Both will be voluntary classes, open to anyone who wants to apply, as there's no sense in forcing people into these classes, as that once again makes them frustrated. These classes will have someone experienced teaching these 'students' about how the respective modules function, and how to co-exist within these modules. Hopefully people will want to help contribute, so we'll have multiple people teaching in rotation.

As to the actual material that will be taught in these classes, these will be ranging from the basics, the 101s. Assuming these classes are successful in my term, I hope for more intermediate classes to be established.

Econ. 101 – This will be the economics class. This will teach students how the taxes and Monetary Market work. The Income, Import, and Value Added(VAT) taxes will be taught, and will explain why the taxes are and are being set to why they are, allowing the students to understand some of the workings of the government.

Also, it will teach the economic standing of eSouth Africa, and the basics to the Company System here in eRep. See, some people end up starting companies, and have it end up being a complete waste of gold. Either they don't look into the regions we own, or they don't know the workings of companies. This will hopefully have them become more knowledgable before they make a commitment like buying a company.

Poltics 101 – As the name states, this will be the politics class. This is going to teach students of the politics of this game, and the rules and restrictions that apply to each respective level(Party, Congress, President/Cabinet). This will also serve as a 'prepping' sort of class, to allow the students who wish to run for these positions to know exactly what they're getting themselves into, and to have them learn about the regulations that come with these positions, Congress especially.

See, Congress is a very important position. Unlike the CP or PP positions, it's somewhat easy to be elected into this position, and it comes with a lot of responsibility and a lot of procedures. Because of this, we have the occasional newer player that makes it into Congress, and then ends up making a mistake or two. These classes will help prevent that, by teaching these people wishing to run for Congress how Congress works, what the Congressional Procedures Act is, and generally the methods Congress uses.

Anyways, those are some more detailed plans about my education ideas if elected as CP. Obviously, they don't look flashy, they aren't meant to be flashy. They're meant to be effective. Hopefully you'll understand my plans more by reading these, I'm all for the people knowing exactly what they have a choice on electing.

In a couple of days, I'll have my economic plans hopefully put together, and you'll see an article detailing these plans.

Thoroughly confused 😛,
Stryke Blayde

If you would like to read my previous article, which announces my CP candidation, please follow this link here: Number 3 Steps into the Ring