Clan Wolf. Funday Monday!!

Day 2,603, 11:00 Published in Canada Canada by Oinyo

Good day everyone.

Happy Funday Monday!

Here at Clan Wolf we are celebrating this great day by having a fun contest!
Funday Monday gold giveaway!
And the winner is! Natster! Free gold to Natster! yey!

Now everyone donate 10 gold to him pls. j/k I sent him his prize already 😉

I just wanted to chime in and make a new article as it has been a while.
With a new month comes a new CP. I am proud to say that no matter who wins between I-B-B or Quintin we as eCanadians will win.

Both are great people and have solid plans to work towards strengthening our great country.

You will find that as we ramp up in Clan Wolf we will be heading more CO's through our MU "The nights watch". Please feel free to donate to Foxfire if you would like to help out with the funding. If not please enjoy the rewards of the CO's by making money helping eCan in battles. 🙂

This is going to be a great month and one I am sure we will come out ahead at the end.

Good luck to the new CP and good luck to every single one of us. We are what makes eCan. Through our actions, Through our battles and through our day to day routine. Without you there would be no reason to log on and without you there would be no game to play.

Thank you for everything to offer and for just being you. You are an appreciated member of team eCan.
~ Oinyo

To join our great party please click the Wolf picture bellow and become part of us!


Thank you for taking the time to read my article.