Civil War, part II

Day 1,043, 15:47 Published in Switzerland Switzerland by JNArno

Hi my friends (yes I know, it's me again 😃),

Yes, I'm back, for the best, and obviously for the worst. To the people who don't know me, go ask Cliffy, but don't believe him, I'm worst.

So I heard that a newbee who got elected to congress only hours after recieving his CS did impeach our president, well let's not talk about that, because I wasn't home those last months...

So I heard that Cliffy was as nice as before with people from other countries IRL, well let's not talk about that, because we all know Cliffy... (PS: reported for racism)

So I heard that this country was more dead than when I left, well let's not talk about that, because it makes me sad...

So I heard that our job market was in ruin, well... nothing change...

I heard that putting nice pictures was cool

So now you all try to guess why I came back in this third world country...

Parce que c'est ça qu'est bon mec! I wish to retire, but let's all face the truth, I love to troll, I love to be a terrorist, I love to steal gold and I love to say that I'm always right (which I am btw...). With 10 guys on one side and 2 on the other, eSwitzerland is ZE PLASSE TOUT BI for a guy like me. (btw, if you don't understand me, I'm tired, sorry 😃) This is why I came back. It doesn't make sense? well it's normal 😃

Another picture?

So here I am, ready for something new, ready to try to be someone else, ready to... almost anything... Here is my proposition: I will try to be someone new, someone who just started the game. I will talk to Clifford Burns, to Walther Rathenau, to anyone who'll come to me. I'll forget everything from my past, I'll forget EDEN, PHOENIX and neutrality and try to think about what's better for this country.

I'll do all of this, I swear, but I have one single condition: Clifford, Walther: don't troll me, don't say I'm a thief (PS: just in case, I never had access to the SN😎, don't say I'm a traitor, try to work with me. If you insult me just once, I swear, you'll regret it.

I think it's a good deal, what you think?

I'll run for CP in November, this gives me one month to prove to everyone that I'm able to work, to have ideas, to talk.

Until then, I wish us all good luck!

Pictures again? okay... so let's show God

JNArno - Citizen of eSwitzerland