Citizenship Now! 公民现在!

Day 521, 18:55 Published in China Ireland by Aran Tal

My Dear Friends,

Day 521 and still no citizenship.

Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia are doomed, and now it seems Russia is once again on the brink total wipeout.

These acts are disgusting, they are terrorism and yet are legal according to the admins.

We must speak with one voice. We must unite our efforts. Please join with me and all right-thinking, moral players of eRepublik to ask the admins as one, once and for all to institute citizenship.

For new players, who might not know what that is, it is the process by which a citizen must live in a country for a certain length of time before being allowed to perform certain acts, like run for president or congress. For example, Serbia was decimated by a political TO recently, and surely the baltics are next.

Please Vote, subscribe and comment, wherever you are from. It is my hope that although this article alone may not effect change, that it will be another straw which will soon break the camel's back and all citizens of the new world can live free, and safe from foreign tyranny.

If this humble article reaches the international top five, that is another step on the way to freedom.

Much Love
Aran Tal



