Citizenship: A Simple Plan?

Day 678, 18:17 Published in Greece Canada by Buck Roger

I don't think this has to be terribly complicated or agonizing a decision. I agree with the many who have said that it is good to have volunteers reviewing the citizen applications and applying some transparent decision-making, with the congress members just hitting the button when they are assigned a request to approve. I hope we can settle on a way to do this soon.

The main concerns I have heard expressed include making sure that native Greeks (e.g., those who had been born in annexed Greek regions, although that is a shrinking group; or those who temporarily go to help anti-PTO, etc.) have priority and that those without allegiance to Greece do not get in and elect "PTO" candidates who can invite more, in a growing cancer. On the other side of the discussion, I myself have expressed a concern that people moving to Greece on a permanent basis will become disaffected if they are permanently denied a participation in Greek political life, with a result of moving elsewhere (or quitting the game) when they could help strengthen Greece economically, militarily, and indeed culturally (I know I value the friendship of many foreign born within eGreece, anyway).

Here is the "simple plan":

Choose volunteers to identify and collect data on applicants (kind of optional, but reduces the burden on the second group). Then they forward the data to a group of 3 or more people selected by the President to agree that the applicant is:

(1) a native Greek, i.e., someone who has been a rightful eGreek citizen or who should have been one at birth

(2) an allied citizen, i.e., one from the allies of eGreece, such as EDEN members and the USA (referring to origin by region of birth more than to prior citizenship, if that origin is evident)

(3) a citizen from a neutral country (again, by birth) or a low-ranking citizen from a hostile country (or anyone of low level who isn't in the next group), e.g., a level 12 from eJapan would be the latter

(4) a citizen from a hostile country that has higher military rank or some political clout, or anyone who is most likely a subversive; e.g., a level 18 from any hostile country

The result:

(1) on identification, approval
(2) a waiting period of 35 days from time of arrival in eGreece
(3) a waiting period of 70 days from time of arrival in eGreece
(4) not an option

The second and third would deny them one or two election cycles while residing in eGreece and would be the most fair method of establishing allegiance and contribution to the country that I can come up with. The first and fourth also seem straightforward.

Thank you for your comments and consideration. I am looking for public support or suggestions for improvement in a plan before trying to build a consensus within congress.