Citizen's Survey: October 2010 Version

Day 1,060, 15:01 Published in Canada Canada by 00AngryMobMan00

***DISCLAIMER*** This monthly survey is NOT run by the government, a government minister, or a government ministry. It is created by citizens, for citizens, to help citizens. Please direct all questions/hate/comments/concerns to the creator, NOT the government. This survey is meant to HELP DEFINE OUR PROBLEMS and WEAKNESSES in eCanada, NOT to slander a particular group or person. All person information (Citizen Name, ID, etc..) will be kept 100% strictly confidential, the only information published will be your answers (anonymously) in chart form (i.e. bar graphs to compare the PERCENTAGE and NUMBER of people who ticked off a certain choice, etc..). NAMES WILL NOT BE DISCLOSED TO THE PUBLIC

October 2010 Citizen Survey Link
(Details Below)

Hello eCanadians!

As a new initiative to help improve our eCountry, and your eExperience in our eSociety, I have taken the liberty to create a new (series) of surveys, called the "Citizen's Surveys" series. These surveys, will be a monthly event (timetable listed at bottom of article for important survey dates), aimed at tracking, and comparing what is good (and subsequently bad) in our country, on many levels, including (but not limited to): Media, Politics, War, Government, Economics, and more!

These surveys will consist of 66 questions (don't worry, they are all multiple choice!), divided into 6 sections, aimed around key events/hot subjects in eCanada (as listed above). This is, of course, completely voluntary, so this is NOT mandatory to do; but it would help the future of eCanada if you did complete this survey (it shouldn't take too long), as then key elected figures can view the data, and help fix potential problems in eCanada!

So please take just a few moments to HONESTLY AND TRUTHFULLY fill out the survey (linked above); as you have until the 25th of October to fill it out!

Once of course, the 10 days alloted have passed, I will personally process the results, and will come back with a follow-up article, containing the results, which will of course include my opinion/views on particular problems that jump out right away!

So thank you eCanada for reading this, and please fill the survey out, since the more people that fill it out, the better (and more accurate) solutions we can develop, together!


Timetable For Surveys (this is monthly):

15th-25th of month, FILL OUT PERIOD-- During this time, the survey is free to any CANADIAN CITIZENS whom want to fill it out!

25th-1st of month, COMPILE PERIOD-- During this time, the results are processed and presented to the public!

1st-14th of month, ACTION PERIOD-- During this time (and before/after it of course), we act on the results!

Then we start it all over again 😉

Any concerns, just PM me directly!