Chronicles of a Soldier

Day 1,329, 09:15 Published in USA Canada by Damien Wolf
The sun, i can feel the warmth, im home, home, that word was so alien to me for the past 20 years, i've never missed it, i never even understood the concept of having a home to go to. When everyone in my squad was excited to go home, i never shared the enthusiasm, more of a restlessness came over me to get back on the battlefield where i believed i belonged, for many people, a house with a backyard on a good street was home, for me, home was a battlefield, the bunker was a couch and gunfire was the noise of the tv in the background, but now i feel a longing to go home, to see my family, my friends, to lie lazily on that hammock and drink a chilled one to beat the summer heat. A longing for home....a Longing for peace

i can hear screams, i can hear people calling my name, but who? who is calling my name?

"I think he is coming to his senses"

"Where am i? what happened?"
"You're in deep sh*t thats where you are,you were unconscious, we even thought we lost ya"
I groan, my arm hurts...theres blood, whose blood is it? is it mine? am i dying? what happened to me?
"Snap out of it! you're gonna be okay, you just took a shot, but what knocked you out was the fall. We gotta get you our of here"
I still cant see well, its all just a blur. My heads still spinning. It's all coming back to me, the ambush....what have we done!

5 days before....

"I pronounce you husband and wife"

holy crap! i just slept through the entire wedding, if people were supposed to stay awake then they would've made weddings more exciting. Atleast the bridesmaids in this one are pretty hot, the brunette especially, but they are forced to look uglier than the bride herself, its her day, the sad thing is even though its her day, she doesnt look that great

"There he is! Thank you for coming to our wedding. This guy, we go way back, every trip i did for the service he was there, i cant recall the last time i saw someone so dedicated to not being home"
Great now everyone is thinking im a loner, im NOT a loner, okay maybe im not the most socially acceptable person and maybe i have an issue with going home and meeting people, but that doesnt make me a loner.
"Yah thats all in the past man, now im just in security"
"right.."security" it"
"The wedding was amazing by the way, especially the toast"
"What are you talking about, the toast hasnt happened"
"er..i meant the one at the bachelor party"
"You HAD A BACHELOR PARTY, i thought we agreed that it was a sinful tradition"
Crap! this just keeps getting better.
"Excuse me, theres a call for you, they said its an emergency"
"I gotta take this one, excuse me"
Thank you god!
"Get back to base, right now"
"Got it"
Sure feels good to go home

To be continued...maybe

Like it? Hate it? Loath it? probably loath it 😛
anyways i dont know why i wrote it, dont know if i will continue it, just thought i'd publish it and get the feedback.