Chronic Over A Dead War. [ Unanswered Questions ! ]

Day 404, 13:53 Published in Norway Romania by OchiReci
I won`t try to write extremely long article , I`m just curious to find some answers to our stringent questions.

1. Alex Craciun win the Romanian Presidency election this month promising a war and after some time I find out that he plan this war for raw material from several days and it only start on Christmas evening and Election Day because a delay cause from Norway side of debate. I was knowing that Romanian Cabinet and Norway Cabinet have an agreement about this plan [ or at least I think that was arrange ] and now I see a law about this where Norway Congress is rejected a part of the so call previous agreement [ meaning the freedom of Northern Region ]. Now I`m confuse and my sincere question is what the hell is happening , was there a deal about this war ? where is your president , Salve , with an official statement about this ?

2. Yesterday another astonish thing happen , Ben Dover the president of USA publish a very humiliating article about Atlantis cooperation on his newspaper , blaming Romania [ an Altantis ally ] for attacking Russia [ a neutral country ] without previous sending notification to alliance ally. I do not believe we need to speak about Ben frustration [ he`s USA President , but not the world leader ] , but his action create a monster in the hart of Atlantis that can break the Alliance in future or divide it. I`m just curios what is the official statement of Norway Congress , Cabinet and President about this Romanian - Russian War , if your military and political leaders was inform or not about this ..and how the heck we end up on this dangerous road where we fight each-other in media and even on battlefield.

3. Romania was always one of the ATLANTIS engine and always we fight proudly in all wars on our ally side ... but what the future will look like for us now ? What meaning and what road Atlantis will take with such behavior between its own members ?

4. The last part is for Romanians only and I will write it in our language.
Fratilor am pierdut o lupta , nu si razboiul ... acum trebuie doar sa invatam din greselile facute in trecut si sa evitam a le repeta pe viitor. Inteleg ca sunt multi romani nemultumiti de bug-ul care a facut revolta inutila si a lasat-o pe Sunsetter fara medalie, insa sa fim seriosi ..avem un nou field mareshal si pe langa asta .. ce ati pierdut pana la urma ? armele si wellnessul au fost consumate pentru a va mari rangul si el va ramas [ atat cat ati luptat 5 - 10 lupte sau mai multe din banii vostri ]. Viata merge inainte si probabil regiunea va fi deschisa din nou , totul tine insa de cooperarea si de comunicarea dintre lideri aliantei [ in special dintre cele 2 guverne implicate ]. Vinovati de toate aceste evenimente nu sunt cei pe care ii cautati voi , nu pentru ca nu ar exista ci doar pentru ca priviti in alta directie , nu in cea in care se afla ei.

Good Day , and I only need few answers. Thank`s for them from now