Chochi and the Missing $163,830

Day 1,419, 19:59 Published in Canada Canada by Wally Cleaver

As many of you know, eCanada has a Construction Program that offers citizens reimbursements to purchases of land and companies. Up until a couple of days ago, this program was led by Chochi. Now, Chochi was once believed to be an trustworthy citizen, but that has changed.

Recently, it was discovered that $163,830 CAD was delivered to Chochi's citizen account prior to his 'disappearance'. After pushing for the Construction Program to be created and installing himself as Director, Chochi did in fact run the program for a short period of time. With frequent comments about being busy and backlogged, there were a few concerns raised by citizens that the program was not working as they had expected.

So, has Chochi disappeared off the face of the planet, or has something nefarious occurred? I present to you the following image which clearly shows that Chochi has visited the eCanada forums after absconding with over 160 Gold worth of CAD.

View the facts as you may, but until the money is returned, I declare Chochi Public Enemy number 4 (After the Great Rolo Tahmasee, Ryldy, and Maedoc/MG/SAWC).