China backs Ceasefire Candidate; Emerick Returns

Day 809, 09:48 Published in USA USA by Myles Robinson
China Backs Pledge for Ceasefire with Phoenix

Yesterday, in one of the closest elections in eChinese history, the people of that country elected The Samurai of the Soy Sauce Party. His challengers were Mao_Gonglei of the HK Golden Party, and robbinhoo, who didn't really want to run and was sort of put there as a joke played on him by his friends. While Mao had run on a pledge to continue working with EDEN and the United States towards the eventual liberation of Heilongjiang and the removal of Phoenix from Chinese borders through continued military means, The Samurai has pledged something that has the potential to greatly alter the situation in China.

He has pledged to sign a ceasefire with the nations of Phoenix and instead begin to use diplomacy to try win back Chinese regions. In the global war between EDEN and Phoenix, he wants China to become neutral. In exchange for the return of Jilin and possibly Inner Mongolia, he will sign a Non-Aggression Pact with Phoenix member states to ensure Chinese neutrality. His argument is that this puts China in a good defensive position, saving them from future aggression at the expense of allowing Phoenix to continue to occupy some of their land.

The concerns of the Chinese players are that their nation was merely being used as a pawn between EDEN and Phoenix, there was not nearly enough of a flow of communication, and that they had little say in the direction of things. While grateful to the United States for helping liberate some regions, they fear that the United States is no longer capable of helping any more. Our failed attack on Heilongjiang last month, our invasion of the British Isle and France, and the depletion of our Asian territories down to Karnataka have been taken as signals to the Chinese that we are both unable and unwilling to continue liberation efforts right now. They no longer think it is militarily feasible to win back their regions, and so they have decided to take a diplomatic approach.

While favoring diplomacy, the new president has also said that he is just seeking out that option, and that it is not a final deal. Many factors, including how this will affect Sino-American relations, will be taken into account before he makes his final decision.

Some Other Elections

In the United States, former president Josh Frost sailed to victory against his main challenger, former vice president PigInZen. It was one of the best and cleanest political campaigns seen, and I congratulate and thank all candidates for offering to step up to the difficult task of leading our nation.

In Japan, challenger Crawling Chaos defeated incumbent KITA Ikki by 38 votes. KITA Ikki was accused of being too friendly to Phoenix nations at a time when those nations were threatening and occupying ally China. Crawling Chaos has pledged to continue to work towards maintaining Japanese neutrality and taking a pragmatic, but righteous, approach to foreign policy. He hopes to establish a new Asian Alliance, independent of EDEN, Phoenix, and Sol, in order to defend these eastern nations from the wars of the two great alliances. He has listed this as his primary objective. His vice president is Chysamere Goru, his Foreign Minister is Reiji Mitsuguri (congrats!!), and his Defense Minister is former president Dokomo.

In Australia, incumbent Cottus Arci won over Timeoin by 14 votes. Pizza the Hut came in last place of five candidates with 52 votes. Pizza the Hut has not accepted my friend request. PIZZA THE HUT: I told you, just like I told that Winston guy, that if you accepted my friend request, you could have done so much better. Anyways, Cottus says this is his last term as leader of eAustralia, and he pledge to continue to bolster the country's military, expand the Ministry of Culture, and get a baby boom.

North Korea has, unfortunately, yet again fallen under Russian control. The new president is, once again, a Russian puppet who shouts and writes only in Russian. In South Korea, Spade won by one vote and there was no PTO threat. Speaking of PTO threats, in India, the Mafia candidate was, thankfully, overwhelmingly defeated.

In Israel, incumbent Joshua Hoss lost by 17 votes to Sadeh Badeh. Whereas the Hoss administration had brought Israel into the Sol Alliance, Sadeh's platform expressed a desire to work to enter Israel into the EDEN alliance.

The Great One Returns-- Briefly
So, now and then I take a look at Emerick's profile for a hint of greatness. A few days ago, I noticed his wellness was at 90, and so I gifted him five or six times. Less than 24 hours later, Emerick returned, published an article, and worked in Texas. The article has since been deleted, because Emerick was being Emerick. The funny thing is, though, that Emerick returned, his article was deleted, and Zoli got a tempban! (Zoli is since back up and running).

This coming should be a reminder to continue to embrace the teachings of Emerick the Glorious.

Editorial Corner
Seriously, admins. I'm tired of my "Latest News" tab on the front page giving me news from OTHER COUNTRIES instead of my own. Also, GIVE US BACK THE EASILY-ACCESSIBLE SUBSCRIPTIONS BUTTON again. Please. You're not helping us out here. Angry dolphin:

~Myles Robinson~
That Guy Who Called DanielCD a Douchebag on Jude Connors' Radio Show