Cheapest Wood in the World [Norway]

Day 561, 14:52 Published in Norway South Africa by Pax Africana Cooperative

Yes, that's right! The cheapest wood in the world. Pax Africana will beat any price.

On sale now for 0.0101 GOLD/production unit. And we will continue to produce at the cheapest prices in the world as long as possible: which we think will be quite a long time.

The only stipulation: we don't do black market deals. You want the cheap wood, send an org to Malaysia, buy some MYR, and buy our wood on the open market.

Again, we will be updating offers daily. We hope to soon have production up to 20 units a day, and, as employment rises, we will get up to 50-100 units a day.

We are committed to providing the cheapest wood, just like our food affiliated food company once provided the cheapest Q3 food in the world.