Chaos In Media - Response to Past Days of Turmoil

Day 3,296, 19:51 Published in Ireland Ireland by KeetnaWilson

-Hello Everyone. 🙂 This will be my first "serious" article if you were wondering. The first two were fun, but it's time to get serious.

Recently, the media has gotten... more active. Now, for you new people (and yes, angry commentators, I was one fairly recently), here's the breakdown. eIreland is currently under Dictatorship. The political party with the most members is the home of our friend, Slaugh., current dictator of eIreland. So, is the current president, Release the Kraken, or RTK. He is famous (or more like well known) for his bad grammar, weird pictures/videos in articles, and reluctance to do much. He, and his party support the dictatorship, which removes virtually all power from all government, including congress.

The past few days have bee full of quite interesting articles, including ones with 4 words (you can thank me), political party dissension, and more fun!

Now, our friend RTK recently made an article critiquing pretty much... well; everyone. People expressing feelings on eRep media? BAD! People making articles about their political parties? BAD! People having other opinions from RTK and his elitist friends? BAD! Many call this oppression, disrespect, and just being illogical. They would be right. Many call it "JUSTICE", and "EXACTLY THE POINT". They claim what he complains about is "THE ROOT OF THE PROBLEM".

Now, for those doubting, let me read you the definition of oppression:
'the state of being subject to unjust treatment or control'

"unjust treatment or control" - So, how is that evident? Well, first of all, when someone tried to express feelings on eRepublik, they were brutally attacked for making an excuse to protest, and express negativity. The comment was deleted, either out of embarrassment or because it was reported. RTK then said they were "just being negative for the sake of negativity" in his "Pied Piper" article. It seems like he can't understand there are real people behind these avatars, these political parties. Then he complained Wizard Kelly was being a crybaby, that he should've quit a party he had worked on for a long time, "gather in all your supporters", and just restart. He then said he was too negative for the "congress does not exist in its normal form"... I wonder why it doesn't. Finally, he thinks I demand "100%" government system I like. And makes a laughable point that "I mean nobody lifes under a dictatorship". I thought you were our president, talk like one! He claims I'm the stubborn, "ironic" one. Yet, he is criticizing almost every article made recently that didn't have to do with the dictator's newspaper or new citizens. HE is the one unjustly treating and controlling the people of our nation. HE is the one regarding us all as "political stunts", and not real people, real opinions.