Changing Winds (Day 1,691)

Day 1,691, 16:08 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by GameChanger

Hello, My name is GameChanger, and this is my newspaper.

I have an embarrassing story to tell you. When wanted to find the Erep date, I clicked on the actual Date and Time on my computer. HerpDerp.

I'm back, but only for a short bit (sorry). I have been active the last month, but only on my Iphone, making it a genuine pain in the butt to write. I have a new computer now, so that's settled.

I will be gone from the 14th of July to the 4th of August at a camp called CTY, a academic camp.
The link if anyone cares... (I took Political Science last year, that's why I seem older in my discussions.)

Anyway, I wanted to write not about the France+Canada V.S. U.K. war, but about a nagging suspicion I have about the new U.S.+Brazil+Poland+Spain pact, otherwise known as CTRL.

I think it either really big troll by Poland, and perhaps Spain as well, a trap to get EDEN to fall apart, or Spoland are just being fairly stupid.
I have a few reasons for this.

1. ONE is stable while Terra and EDEN crumble slowly.
ONE, apart from a few leadership issues (grumble) is fairly stable, with no more than the usual squabbles. Terra is already dying, if not dead, what with Brazil gone and the U.S. putting their coat on to leave. EDEN is also suffering tremendous upheaval, whether it be the Moldova/Ukraine war, the split between Brazil and Romania, or France and Romania support for Moldova. ONE has fared much better than TEDEN in that perspective, giving Spoland less reason to join TEDEN, as CTRL would be Pro-TEDEN.

TEDEN going into meltdown

2. CTRL has no-one to fight except TEDEN countries and close friends.
Spain, if CTRL was put into action, would have France, a CTRL member, Brazil, a CTRL member, the U.S., a CTRL member, and Portugal and Italy (EDEN members) as borders. So, Spain has to attack EDEN to fight anyone. Poland would a similar situation, except with ABC and Sweden nearby. However, Poland has long bromances with those, and I doubt they would want to attack either without provocation. The same problem exists for the U.S. and Brazil. Once Mexico is gone, what does the U.S. do? Brazil, all you have is Argentina there, another EDEN member, and a superpower too. Any sort of campaign by CTRL would involve attacking EDEN-aligned nations, or longtime friends. Not a good prospective for a supposedly EDEN-supportive alliance.

CTRL having issues with the neighbors...

3. ONE has not voiced any major concern.
This is my biggest argument for a plot/troll by Spoland. You would think that Serbia, Macedonia, Hungary, Sweden, and the U.K. would voice loud concerns over two of the alliances biggest members plotting with the enemy. I have searched ONE's media, and apart from a few noobs, no one seems to care about the potential breakup of the alliance. I would expect, for example, Hungary's President publishing an article condemning Spoland's betrayal. Something, at the very least. JamesW was grumpy over lack of coordination in our battles, but did you see anything condemning Spoland's actions? No! Obviously, Spoland are coordinating with ONE HQ in an attempt to screw up EDEN's internal machinations. If Spoland were really leaving ONE, you would see crap flying all over the Media from ONE. All I see on the media is America tearing itself to bits over this issue. Again, probably part of the plan.

I am a ONE supporter. I think any change in the alliance structure, even if CTRL was legit, would be good. This is just my personal opinion.

If you are a person with a large media base, say 500+ subs(Ex. Max Blue), and/or you ask for permission (Ex. Shoi12), I herby allow my article, or excerpts, to be copied and pasted into their articles, as long as I am credited. Putting links to this in your articles would help me, not just for subs/votes, but to get this message to the most people as possible.

Here is a good American article on the topic, it has some links as well.
American Opinions
As usual, update me on new info, give feedback, and sub/Vote!