changes to the economy ?

Day 2,198, 11:04 Published in New Zealand New Zealand by Sor3naa


Before getting to the main subject , I gotta thank all you people for subbing my article and helping me to get the second MMM . Motivates me to write more . 😃

Well more to the point , you might think (by the title) that this article is about economy in whole erep but well you're wrong ! 😃 This article only concerns the economy in New Zealand !

First you should know that I'm not really good at da economy in Erep or RL xD.

(No I'm not a puppy , but this puppy is more adorable than myself xD )

That's why I started working on it 8 days sooner than my possible presidency next month (BOOM , Yeah I'm gonna run again ). Now I'm not like a real politician to lie to you , I'm no magicians and miracles aren't real . But what I can do is to work on it and bring helps to make it at least slightly better . I talked to few economy experts today and got some new ideas on how to progress . Needless to say , I need more ideas and help in the matter and I welcome all you who know stuff to join my in #Sor3na (Rizon) to discuss .

For now , I'm working on new taxes and of course incomes from them . Right now , This is how it looks like :

Looking through other countries taxes , ours is very citizen friendly and basically give the government very little amount of cash to work on . Don't worry , I'm not gonna change it to a 100 percents govt benefit but talking with some expert , I got the idea to change it to a way that both people and govt benefit . I would give you more information on what the future of taxes looks like but I have to make sure I have a good and complete plan first . I will let y'all know in couple of days that I completed my researches .

Of course all these plans will need full support and help from our citizens . It is expected from our country mates to follow the instruction below :

1)Working inside country and for local companies .
2)Selling products in local market ( If producing more than market needs , selling in other countries help if you follow the third instruction )
3)This is the most important one . Buy what you need from local markets . Of course it might be a bit more expensive but this helps us to keep our money inside NZ , help our fellow company owners which all help our country treasury !

As to congressmen , I ask you kindly to exchange the 5 gold you got for your congress medal to CC and donate it to treasury .Of course this is not required but it'd be nice of you to help .It helps more than you think . To do so , You need to go to this page , push on "Contribute" and donate the money . easy peasy , right ? 😃
You have successfully contributed with 1000 NZD !

Thanks for reading