Change Has Come in Switzerland with the SRC! [Julian2012]

Day 1,534, 11:39 Published in Switzerland France by Julian Anderson

Dear Swiss citizens, dear friends,

I congratulate the government for obtaining a new treaty! We had lost hope! The treaty is fair, although there is a small black dot. Indeed, the Treaty states that we will receive two regions: Romandie and Graubunden. But if you look at a map of Switzerland, both regions have no border. There will be no bonus and we will be in a similar situation where we have a unique region. Now, I commend the government for negotiating a revenue of 50 Golds, for the rental of other regions. If we are elected, we will propose to Slovenia, a renegotiation of the current treaty, to improve it.

By cons, as we have said in his last article F4uc0n, our foreign policy lack consistency! It is a sad conclusion, despite our joy of having a treaty. In fact, we spent a lot of money in the signing MPP with several countries of EDEN. After the controversy over the referendum on entry into EDEN, the government demonstrated a lack of consistency, which is again a 180 ° turn our foreign policy today. I ask the Government to conduct a more coherent, and not to change camps every opportunity. Switzerland must have credibility, and not have the reputation of a country opportunist!

When the Swiss President promises the world and wonders, the SRC offers our citizens a project useful and necessary reforms for the future of our country. Thus, we will make several proposals for better foreign policy. Indeed, if we are elected, we will first create a special Embassy in Slovenia. This would primarily work with the Slovenian government and to maintain good relations with our neighboring country.
Second proposal: we will pursue a policy of strengthening diplomacy with our allies, through frequent meetings with them. We will also work more with our neighboring countries: Italy, France, Germany. The Foreign Ministry will also take under her wings, assistants in training. Our goal is to train the Swiss diplomats of the future.
Third proposal of importance: the Swiss government will organize the second edition of the Francophonie Summit and to consider the creation of new heights with Italy, Germany and Austria. We propose an active foreign policy, in the interests of Switzerland and its allies.

The other major point of the program that the SRC provides for the month of February, and a major reform of the Swiss Army. Unlike the proposals of our president, we do not buy the militias. We will support also the independence of our militia, and we encourage their use by citizens! The military module to change, and must be kept in mind! The Army is no longer unique, but now consists of various army units, public or private.
The SRC proposes an ambitious military reform for our country and our militia! We want to modernize our military system with better coordination of our public and private militias. Thus, we propose:
- The creation of a channel of coordination of the various militias Swiss (IRC).
- The creation of a tutorial military training of our young soldiers.
- The distriubtion of supplies, available to all our soldiers every day (in the limit of our fiscal reserves). (Swiss citizens priority).
- The creation of service for distribution of supplies.
- The distribution of weapons in the great battles.
- The daily publication of guidelines battles.
- The publication of news hebdommadaire military in the world.
- Organization of meetings between the militias and the Swiss Army (2 times per week).

With the implementation of this program, we are modernizing the Swiss Army and efficiency! Now that our country is free, we can reform our military.

In my next article I will present our program for the economy!

Change has come in Switzerland with the SRC!
Vote the SRC!

Julian Anderson
Candidate for Presidency