Champagne, Business Etiquette, and Politics

Day 384, 08:28 Published in USA Bulgaria by Jewitt
Hello eAmerica!

With war declared, the media has swelled with pro-eAmerican sayings and some have quoted past generals, war movies, and clichés. All this is directed towards France, our winning battle of Poitou-Charentes (which I phonetically pronounce as “Poy-twah Share-en-tway”), and the victory that is a sure-win. What we are not looking at is everything else. But first, let me glorify our troops.

The Slaughter of Poitou

First off, let the congratulations go to over 450 men and [one] wimminz which have fought at the Slaughter of Poitou. A brilliant display of merciless fighting that one should associate with eAmerican battles. May it also be said they had it coming. Why? Let’s just say they just deserved it [Switzerland? RL vendetta? Hogging all the champagne?].

The slaughter, and I use it as a positive term, did not come at a price. As of this writing we have 7 hours remaining to the minute in the battle, and already 44,800 points have been allotted in favor of the eUS. I believe it is safe to call this a victory. Is it safe to call it an end of eFrance? I would say so!
Out of the battle, some have become overly victorious. None is more surprising, yet patriotic, as our own President Dover becoming the hero of the fight (at the time of this article’s release) at 4,061 against the French. Compared to my lowly 160 achieved, he is a glorious elected official indeed.

So, my hat flies off to you, noble eAmericans, as we welcome the month of December [and the sure football games to come] and your throwing purchased weapons onto the fields of war and answering random trivia questions which pertain to DeGaulle and five year terms! When our next battles begin, don’t give up and stop adding to the pile of weapons; the more we the better our chance of a defeated enemy! Our determination is self-evident, we're still fighting although the battle is won. Sure, it's wasting money, but it's American tactics: Overkill and individual immediate gratification.

The Economy

My I express my deepest condolences to those that deserve it. No, not the French, but the eAmerican worker! As The Addict put very clearly: “Seriously?” The wages are insane, and today I am proposing that managers around the eUSA get together and agree to lower wages…all the way around. Wages are far too high in eUSA, especially for entry-level jobs. This has led, indirectly, to higher inflation rates in goods as well as a strain on the economy.

What more do I propose? Just drop your wages; you’re killing yourself and not helping the economy flow. We’re not progressing at all, and many businesses such as Axiom Accommodations are failing.

A good example is this:
A company that shall not be named [“Orestfay Iverray”] has two open positions of a skill level 3 being paid 11.03 USD. This is outrageous! Just look two levels higher and the offer for pay more than doubles at lvl 5 to 25.05 USD. Essentially, this unnamed company [Forest Gump River, minus the Gump] is paying over 5.00 USD a level at the higher levels. You can guess what lvl6 and 7 skill are being paid [respectively] if you can multiply your five’s. Just…insane. For once, I am glad unions do not exist in eRepublik: They would only make this much worse. It would also produce more whiners in our job market.


In Congress, we have had three withdrawals (two voluntary, one due to ban). The reasons for the resignations have been the violence, close-minded attitudes, and “uneducated” in Congress today. Personally, I have a solution to this issue and I wish it be heavily debated, tested, and put into action:
I would suggest we bring back how fighting was done in beta (1 vs 1) but make it to where politicians can fight. Call it something appropriate [Dual?] and have them deal it out. The winner has some sort of ego chest-beating, and then the vote can go on with little to no more dead-lock bickering between rivals.

Personally, I can find no problem with this suggestion [Burr vs. Hamilton, any History majors here?] and it only could help politics. I also suggest that key specific weapons be available, other than the basic pistol-image. I would suggest oak desks and carbon-fiber canes with polished brass handles.
If there comes a committee to discuss the issue, I would be glad to present a more formal and in-depth presentation on my suggestion and its cost-benefit ratio.

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To Do List:

*Go to and type in “French Military Victories” and click “I’m Feeling Lucky.” Share your results and discuss with your peers the accuracy of your findings.

*Vote this article up, 'cause one day you might feel glad you did. In the event that you may not remember that you voted this up, subscribe so you will remember.

-Jewitt [C-TN], Chief Editor