Cham for CP - The love of economy is the root of all virtue - Economy

Day 1,110, 18:14 Published in Canada Canada by Chamrajnagar

Our economy is in turmoil. With the recent resource changes, we need to figure out how to focus our economy on our strengths. We are no longer a resource-rich nation in comparison to the rest of the world. We're a bit above average, but admins designed it so that no nation can excel without foreign holdings.

The first thing my government will do is create an Economic Committee. The major economical minds of eCanada will be given access at my discretion. It will be a sounding board for new ideas, and will hopefully help improve our economy through the application of new tax structures and determination of our currency peg.

Based on talks I've had with members of my cabinet, my initial feeling is to lower our peg, as well as lower income taxes. This will increase the rate of flow of our currency. This rate of flow would then provide a deflationary pressure on our dollar, and our currency would attempt to rise. We simply need to keep an eye on it, and print more money to ease the pressure, making gold in the process. It was described best as "instability in the short term, to provide stability in the long term". Any devaluation of our currency would be well publicised beforehand, and done in incremental stages to avoid unnecessary shocks to the system.

I have also instituted a Ministry of Trade. This minister will mainly focus on some educational projects. He has committed to writing a beginner's guide to Monetary Market trading, to help newcomer's speculate on currencies. He has also committed to providing highly detailed, and updated, spreadsheets for the public's use. These will cover wellness costs, worker productivity for new company owners, as well as the best export opportunities for a wide range of products. Think of it as a Ministry of Education in the finance sector.

Another pet project of mine, is a national bank. It has been in my previous two CP platforms as well, and I hope to institute it to a certain extent during this term. It's function will mirror that of its RL counterpart. At first, its goal will be to monitor the MM, and provide stability to our currency. Its function can be extended if time and opportunity present themselves.

Finally, an idea was presented to help with the lack of trust to people with a large pot of cash in front of them: reserves. Reserve orgs will be created, and given cash to hold. These orgs will be given to trusted individuals in the community, the example given was Jacobi. These reserves will then be safeguarded until they are needed, post-theft or facing a depleted war fund and an invasion on home soil.