Challenges for the Theocratic Nation: Welfare System

Day 574, 21:10 Published in Switzerland Spain by Calangao

There is noting more important for a citizen than its wellness. Higher wellness means more production and more damage in battles. It keeps our economy bright and our army strong. We, guided by Dio, have a wellness program to guarantee that. It consists of three parts: the supply of food, gifts and houses. And since the miracle of multiplication is not appreciated by the eRepublik team, we are bind to the physical limitations of our production to supply us with those. And we have to do it with efficiency.

Food is the most basic item of this game. No matter what you do, you must eat every day, or your citizen will starve and your wellness goes down. Fast. We all know that the benefit you gain from food decreases with your wellness. With 50 wellness we get 1 point of wellness for each point of quality of food, but when we are close to 100 wellness we receive only half of it. It means that a worker of a Q1 company that works and train needs 4 quality points of food to keep his wellness at 100. A worker from a company Q2 needs 6, Q3 needs 8, and so on.

As you all know, there is no food Q6, Q8, Q10 or Q12. But houses are quite handy, as they increase the quality of the food by their points, provided there is food in the inventory. So a player with house Q3 working in a company Q1 needs nothing more than food Q1. But anyone working in a company Q3 or higher can't rely on food Q1 only, even with a Q5 house. And that's why workers in other nations get higher salaries in higher quality companies. We, on the other hand, pay the same thing regardless of the sector or quality of the company. So we have gifts to compensate the wellness loss.

Unlike food, gifts increase the wellness of a citizen by its quality points regardless of the original wellness level. There is a limit of 10 wellness points a player can receive with gifts a day. And you can't be gifted by an amount of wellness lower than the quality of the gift, which means you can't be gifted if your wellness is 99.01 or higher. Another crucial difference between gifts and food is that gifts require two production points instead of one. So, my question is: is it better to use higher quality food or gifts?

The answer is, of course, depends on your wellness. If we were citizens in another country, my answer would be: use eGobba's wellness tool because it makes all the calculations you need. But we are not any country and here we have to give the best solution for the group, not for the individual. And, surprisingly, the problem is much simpler in this case.

For a player close to 100 wellness, if he needs an extra point of wellness to his basic Q1 food bonus, it means he needs a Q3 food, or one Q1 gift. To produce one Q1 food and a Q1 gift, it require us the same number of production points. But Q3 food requires us three wellness points per worker, while the gift alternative requires us only two, for the food and the gift. And the difference on raw materials cost are negligible enough to assure that a Q1 gift is better than upgrading the food to Q3. So we see that our welfare system is very efficient for high wellness citizens.

For players with low wellness the figures change, tho. The wellness boost from food increases a lot and using gifts to boost his wellness become pretty inefficient and every 10 wellness boost with gifts takes us about a whole week of work to compensate the gifts spent. But for anyone that needs more than 10 gifts, but still above 42 wellness, there is a better solution. The 20 production points required for the 10 gifts are the same 20 points required for two moving tickets. So one can travel to a battle field arriving with 40 wellness, fight once, come back, and use our Hospital to get a net wellness boost of 36 points, cheaper and much faster than providing a bunch of gifts every day. And if we can fight at home there is absolutely no need to gift at all. Net 40 wellness boost at zero cost. The hardest part of this solution is to convince the player to fight just enough to get the highest boost he needs, which is usually only once. They are usually in a rush to get to level 6 and get their 5 gold without knowing that levels come very quickly until the 15th. And sometimes they need a little bit of guidance not to follow Plato's instructions, that are often misleading on the sequence of things they should do. But my experience from my own companies is that we should not gift anyone that needs more than 10 wellness points, unless it is to put him in battle conditions to fight once and use the hospital. Once they learn, they don't make mistakes anymore. And they value their wellness a lot more when they fight and use the hospital than when they receive gifts out of nowhere. I mean... our pockets. So I even have a standard message for those employees. We did it here sometimes and I suggest it to become our common practice. To satisfy Dio's will faster and cheaper.

Q5 nurse from our hospital.