Central Workers Committee

Day 575, 02:57 Published in China China by Snayke

A direct message from President Snayke:

Recently, a proposal has come up with the purpose of moving 5000CNY from our nation's treasury to an organisation named the Central Workers Committee. This organisation is not a government one nor is it endorsed by the government. Malcontents in congress under the banner of Juche simply want to rob our nation and our taxpayers of our life's blood. I urge all loyal members of congress to vote no on this proposal.

If these ruffians are allowed to succeed, our nation will suffer severely. They have already taken our bank, now they want more. They claim the ones against communism are greedy, yet here they are, taking more and more from the people of eChina. They salivate at the sight of money and gold and will take it from us even if we suffer. We must stand united, my fellow countrymen. We must stand against these tyrants for the sake of our children.