Central Bank of New Zealand funds foreign militias.

Day 1,137, 12:21 Published in New Zealand Egypt by Jacobo Gronaven

Hello Kiwi Citizens, I am here to encourage my fellow congress members to vote against all donations of NZD to the Central Bank New Zealand untill Don KronoX's government publicly explains to New Zealand why Kiwi tax money is used to fund foreign militas, even though we may not be able to stop the donations we should not lie down and take it.

Elite Cat, a Militia based in Brazil was donated to by the Central Bank of New Zealand on December 30th.

Proof of the donation cane be found in the donation list here:


A total of 50 Gold, about 3250 NZD was sent to the Brazil based milita. 50 GOLD may not be alot to some, but NZ as small country we should be saving every bit gold we can.That 50 Gold could have been spent on 263 boot camp booseters, 33 Caeser boosters or 27 Naploeon boosters to raise the strenght of our NZDF soilders or newbies.

Instead, it is sent to foreign militas that have never helped eNew Zealand in anyway.The main problem we have here over all, is that if our government can simply donate tax money to fund their freinds over this eNew zealnd and get away with it, they will do it more and more, and provide even more money. In order to nip this in the bud, we must demand an explination for this soon or begin civil disobidence through methods such as income tax evasion and voting against any of Don kronoX's government proposals until we are provided a reason
and apology for this misconduct.

-Jacobo Gronaven
Current PP of The Kiwi Independent Party and Congressman.