Census poll ends Sunday this week!

Day 1,548, 17:54 Published in USA Canada by Emperor Rick

Just an update on how things are coming along. We have some pretty interesting results so far from the AMP, Feds, Marijuana, and Bastards. We could use a little more information from the USWP however.

Revolution, NCP, and iNCi have a low turnout, please vote now before Sunday or else I won't be able to get a good fix on your membership's info.(I recently added the Socialist Freedom Party due to all the requests, please have your members vote as quickly as possible)

UPDATE 2/16/2012
I need more people from the Socialist Freedom Party, iNCi, and the Marijuana Party. Great turnout from everyone else!

UPDATE 2/18/2012
141 individuals voted so far!

USWP - http://tinyurl.com/7sv72f2

AMP - http://tinyurl.com/7gg27cw

Federalist - http://tinyurl.com/6q8y586

NCP - http://tinyurl.com/6p3mcj5

Marijuana - http://tinyurl.com/6ocu767

iNCi - http://tinyurl.com/7yzxojn

Revolutionary - http://tinyurl.com/89c2mrc

Bastards - http://tinyurl.com/7gbhmkv

Socialist Freedom - http://tinyurl.com/7m664fx