Celsius for Shannon!

Day 1,004, 14:16 Published in Ireland Israel by Celsius


I am Celsius, currently a Teachta Dála(Congressman) for Northern Ireland from the Irish Freedom Party. Since Northern Ireland was taken from us by the Brits, and now resides with our Allies in eCanada, I have moved to Shannon to seek re-election.

During my term in office, I proposed that Minimum wage be raised, and it was from 0.18 to 0.25, which helped every new player in eIreland have enough to survive and benefit equally.

I should have kept track of my voting record, but sadly I did not. I can tell you that most of the tax increase I vote for the help strengthen eIrelands economy in which more people would buy Irish made products. I also voted against Impeaching our current President, 5n4keyes.

My time office has been short, but successful I would say. Im not asking for your vote, just to read this and vote for the person you think would represent you best in the Dail.

Thank you for reading,

1xTeachta Dála
1x Irish Minister of Immigration