CAT na Bulgária [EN/PT]

Day 1,254, 09:25 Published in Brazil Brazil by CAT Headquarter

Olá galeras,

Ontem, a Bulgária atacou a Macedônia pra reconquistar a capital e mais importante região deles, Sofia. Como irmãos, o CAT começou a hitar no terceiro round. Scymex, provavelmente bêbado, acho que poderia vencer. Pobre garoto 🙁 Fez cerca de 10kk de influência nos três primeiros e mesmo assim ainda perdeu 2 deles.

Então, estou aqui pra dizer que sempre estaremos com a Bulgaria quando precisarem de nós. Se a Macedônia pode contar com a Sérvia e a Turquia, vocês podem contar conosco, especialmente com o CAT.

English Version

Yesterday, Bulgaria attacked FYROM to reconquer their capital and mainly region, Sofia. As brothers, CAT started to hit since the third round. Scymex was probably drunk and thought that he could win. Poor guy 🙁 In the three first rounds he did around 10kk of influ and lost 2 of them. hahahahah 😛

So, i’m here to say that we’ll always be with Bulgaria, whenever you need. If Macedonia can count with Serbia and Turkey you can count with Brazil, specially with CAT. Throw dirt on us and grow a wildflower.

Statistics from Battle
Bulgaria 8 x 1 FYROM
Battle: Sofia
Soldiers in the mission: 43
Total influence: Around 1,4kk (some soldiers didn’t send the inf to HQ)

Bitchies try to kick me while i’m down, i’ll break your leg 😛

Família CAT