Castaneda For President

Day 922, 07:31 Published in Ireland Ireland by castaneda
cos im RL Irish thats why lol

Because if im elected There Will Be A War With The UK

The first battle will of course be for Northern Ireland

It may take a week or so to get our collective sh*t together but it will happen,

There will be immediate trade embargoes with ALL Phoenix nations
There will be a lowering of import taxes to enable sufficient supplies of guns and gifts for our troops during the war
There will be a slight increase in the new citizen fee
There will be an increase in income tax across all fields
There will be a decrease in VAT on products we use in our WAR

These changes will be needed to fund this war , and enable sufficient supplies for those who fight for our cause

Of course none of this can be done without the help of Congress , So as citizens you will have to play your part by encouraging your elected representatives to vote FOR these changes .

I do not intend on changing the majority of cabinet positions , They will however have different goals set for my term ,

One of these goals will be to tighten up our MM , usually (today being the exception ) there is a turn around of about 5-6% on the MM, i intend to see this dropped to a maximum of 2%
This means the cost of gold will drop to no more than 51iep
The value of the IEP will remain the same
I want Banc Ceannais to start making money daily from gold sales
I will also propose the issuance of 150,000iep to give us a little cash in reserve if needed.

I intend to set up a war-room (ingame chat / Irc ) where Irish citizens can brainstorm and simulate battles between nations. The end result of this should be a greater understanding of game and battle mechanic's.

To our Congress

A day will not pass without an ingame vote , gaining you valuable xp .
I cannot achieve all i intend without your support

To Irish Citizens

I will work very hard for you guys , I will try to ensure there is at least one battle everyday during my term

To the IDF

You guys and gals are the best, You will all continue to recieve weapons , gifts , and anything else that may be needed on a daily basis

This could be controversial
To the ICA

I intend to partly fund the ICA during my term , We will need all of Irelands fighting sons and daughters fighting fit , so we(the govt) will provide RM's for your gifting and weapons communes during my term while we are at war
We will need all Irelands allies to stand alongside us while we fight , And you guys have made some good friends while away fighting, and we will need these friends

So if you are tired of the UK and its Posturing
If you want to logon in the next 30days and see this


Then you should
Vote for Castaneda on the 5th ,
Vote for WAR on the 5th
Vote for Ireland on the 5th

more articles will follow