Case Closed - many thanks dear allies

Day 760, 06:46 Published in Spain Romania by Sekiro

Versiunea în limba română aici.

First of all I would like to apologize for writing this article in English as it is the only foreign language that I can use properly

LATER EDIT: Thanks very much for the support and solidarity. I hope that this kind of situations never happen to you, our trusted allies, or to our enemies as well. We encourage fair and honest play for a fun game. After a few days, a lot of articles, many votes and kind comments, the admins have made JUSTICE.

Motto: “God protect me from my friends, and I'll take care of my enemies”

Sometimes, to gain trust you need to work very hard, open many doors and close many more others. But sometimes, when people welcome you in their family as one of them, help you, support you and most importantly TRUST YOU without waiting something in return, horrible and dishonorable things may happen.

To be more explicit, I will tell you a little story. The Praetorians Romanian Military Unit has a branch called Praetorian Junior where young citizens join to learn the art of warfare and military strategies. They also learn how to support each other or share responsibilities. We don’t teach our pupils only military conduit but also moral standards. Thankfully, we found until now only noble persons, but unfortunately one corrupted soul is enough to ruin the work of so many others.

So what really happened? In the morning of the Battle of Marmara, about 2 hours before the end of the battle, we got up to prepare for the final and most important moments. At that point we found out that all our weapons and companies were sold and all the guys fired.

So that is how in the final moment of the battle 75 juniors were left disorganized, disillusioned, betrayed, SOLD by one of our own. Right now this traitor is in Spain and he still has Romanian citizenship. I can’t make his name public due to well known reasons, but I can send you his name by PM if you ask me.

A Romanian traitor is also an EDEN enemy. So please vote this article and the Romanian version to raise an alarm sign to everybody that plays this game fair and for their fun.

Hail Romania
Punish the Traitor