Cartography 101 (Part 13)

Day 2,548, 09:03 Published in United Kingdom Russia by George Hannover
Cartography 101 or the first penstroke

Hello and welcome,

It's George here with another edition of Cartography 101. I will give a summary of all the recent changes in the world since yesterday. Sadly, I unlocked the horrid Junior Journalist Mission! I know "BOOO!" So if you guys would comment this up, I'd really appreciate it! I'll try to still have meaningful articles, not just blatant comment baiting! Thanks a bunch! Also, I didn't quite get enough yesterday, so your comments are appreciated on that article!

Here's what's happene😛

UK defeated Canadian rebellions in Ontario and Manitoba and now attacks Yukon.

Sweden liberated Svealand and Gotland from Lithuania, but the Lithuanians retook Scania.

Finland liberated Western Finland from Estonia.

Croatia reconquered Slovenian Littoral.

Serbia reconquered Albanian Coast, kicking the Albanians out of Albania proper once again.

Macedonia liberated Western Macedonia and now attacks Povardarie.

South Korea continued its revolution against Taiwanese rule and liberated Gyangsangnam-do and Jeollanbuk-do from Taiwan, but lost Gyeonggi-do.

USA allowed Japan to liberate Tohoku and Hokkaido, but plans on reconquering the regions later this week.

Nigeria liberated a second region, South West States from Argentina.

Argentina conquered Great Andes from Peru, placing the entire country under their rule. Peru, however, does still rule a chunk of Venezuela.

Venezuela liberated North Eastern Venezuela from Portugal.

Colombia continued its invasion of Mexico with the capture of Pacific Coast of Mexico.

We're back with our newest segment: Geography Trivia! Everyday I will post a picture of some geographic locale on the world map and the first person to comment the correct answer gets a Q7 Tank! (Sorry I'm poor that's all I can do 😁
We had two winners yesterday! Robin Redcap, who correctly guessed Hong Kong! And JQXZ, who correctly named Maccao!

Here's today's Question:
Can you name this Island off the coast of Africa? Who does it belong to?

And Now the Congress update.

Nothing Much to report. A vote on Taiwan MPP, eminent.

That's All Folks,

George Hannover