Carlo Emanuele

Day 781, 03:37 Published in USA USA by derdim

Carlo Emanuele, per la grazia di Dio, Re di Sardegna, Cipro e Gerusalemme; Duca di Savoja, Monferrato, Chablais, Aosta, e Genevese; Principe di Piemonte ed Oneglia; Marchese d'Italia, Saluzzo, Susa, Ivrea, Ceva, Maro, Oristano, e Sezana; Conte di Moriana, Geneva, Nizza, Tenda, Asti, Alessandria, e Goceano; Barone di Vaud e di Faucigny; Signore di Vercelli, Pinerolo, Tarantasia, Lumellino, e Val di Sesia; Principe e Vicario perpetuo del Sacro Romano Imperio in Italia*

Such a glorious name,
a man that almost no one remembers today!
He is buried without fame
in the Church of Sant'Andrea al Quirinale.

When crowned, joy was denied,
he lost land to the french;
and shortly after his wife died,
he decided to abdicate.

When his cousin and friend,
Henry Benedict Stuart** died;
the Jacobites called him to ascend
as King Charles IV of England, Scotland, France and Ireland.

He , however, joined the Jesuit order
(Never ordained to the priesthood),
A life in some disorder,
found only in a forgotten poem.

*Charles Emmanuel IV, King of Sardinia from 1796 to 1802.

**Cardinal, Duke of York