Care, Co-operation, Community

Day 786, 08:32 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Seraosha

After a vigorous bout of internal discussion and polling on the PCP forum, I'm happy to announce that I shall be running for PCP President this month! \o/

But what does that even mean?

Well, it's somewhat different to other parties. As PP I would seek to be a spokesperson for the collective views and objectives of our party. This is, after all, the party of equality and everyone's view counts - no matter how old, poor, rich or young you are!

Its been a while since we've banged the drum for equality, but we remain as committed as ever to our ideals. Care, Co-operation, Community is an old motto of ours, one that we haven't forgotten and one that is painstakingly relevant today with the threat of invasion just around the corner.

It's time to get back in the spotlight..

We've never forgotten our core values. We know that the eUK can only be as strong as its weakest citizen. That we must continually strive for equality. That if we didn't go out of our way to help the most disadvantaged in eUK society, no-one would.

It's about more than that though. We are the best placed we have ever been in our history to help new players and the eUK. The list of things we do for the benefit of the UK is longer than my arm and if I have anything to do with it, that list will get longer still.

So in Summary..

If you fancy a re-alignment behind our core ideals and a new era of participation in eUK affairs, lending the full weight of our socio-political movement to the defence of Britain from the ravaging hordes, then please support Seraosha as the next PCP President!