Capable Congressional Candidate

Day 792, 17:14 Published in South Africa South Africa by Mmhrrrmhrrrm

It is with extreme pleasure that I announce my second run for congress under the banner of the Associates of General Wellness!

This month has been a wonderful experience in which I gained a lot of knowledge about the inner workings of congress. I also had the wonderful chance to become a mentor, and am currently assisting a few good people to become healthy and active citizens to the benefit of eSA. I kept up my goals of participation, activity and integrity, purposefulness and dependability in congress and elsewhere in the game, and will continue to do so without fail! eSA’s interests runs close to my heart, and will always come first!

Brazil is of course central to our politics and way of life at the moment, as they have been for so long. They are revealing their true colours on a regular basis, and have shown that they have little respect for eSA. Yes, we are not as strong as they are, but we are definitely not as weak as they believe us to be! I am very optimistic that we can sit and work out a level headed plan, strengthen ties with key allies and then wait for the right time (be it this month or the next). We can capitalize on our current situation. We can and are facing huge challenges as a nation, and we are walking out stronger every single time!

Citizenship, and increasing that of eSA, is very close to my heart. At the moment, we have many South Africans stranded in Brazil and Indonesia who belongs in eSA. They, as well as any new player, should be assisted in any way possible! They should be welcomed and made part of our community, as they are the most important people in eSA. They are the future soldiers that will help fight against Brazil, or any other enemy. They can attract friends by word of mouth so much more than established players. For this reason, I am putting shoulder to wheel in the mentorship apartment.

I would love to be part of the new congress and put to use the experience I gained in the last month to raise eSouth Africa up to the heights it deserves!