Caoimhin MacFie - UKRP Candidate for Congress from Scotland

Day 516, 10:29 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Caoimhin MacFie

Good day fellow eScots. I am Caoimhin MacFie, and it would be my honour to serve as your MP/Congressman this upcoming term. I am an RL American, but have been a citizen of eScotland my entire time playing. Currently, I am the UK Ambassador to Ireland, as well as serving our nation as a Corporal in the Royal Guard.

Among my policies:

Training Wars
While the United Kingdom may be the 5th most populus nation in the eWorld, one glance at our military would lead you to believe otherwise. Simply put, we need to get our troops, especially the Royal Guard, some combat experience. The Royal Guard is our main line of defence in case of foreign invasion, and thus a weak Royal Guard is a weak UK. Shakespeare worte "This England never did, nor never shall, Lie at the proud foot of a conqueror," this will only hold true if we remain strong. This is why should I be elected as your MP, I would push for establishing war games with one or more of our allies in times when the UK is not fighting an actual war.

Tax Reform
To this day, the import tax on wood remains at 99%, despite the fact that our nation has no High Wood regions. If there's one thing the Irish have taught me while Ambassador, it's that you focus on what you do well. Therefore, we need to lower the import tax, to promote our construction industries. Mercantilism and Protectionist economies are 18th century ideals, they should stay that way.

While I do comment PM Malta for working on coming up with a solution to the NHS's woes, simply giving someone two moving tickets and telling them to go slog a Hungarian in the face isn't enough. Not only does this policy require dependence on foreign nations to work, it encourages citizens to move away from the UK. Additional measures are needed to suppliment the Wellness Fast programme, such as a government subsidised gifting programme.

Scotland First!
Of course, even though I represent the UKRP, my first duty is to you, the voters and citizens of Scotland. You have my vow that I will put country before party if I should ever need to.

Thank you for your time. If you have any questions on my stance on any other issue, feel free to ask. I'm easily available, and I'm not one to shy away from the tough questions either.

Alba Gu Bràth!
Caoimhin MacFie