Candidature for Ireland First Party President

Day 553, 12:01 Published in Ireland Ireland by Eamonn DeValera

This is my first article, ever..! So it is probably surprising that it is to announce my candidature for Party President of Ireland First - Eireann Chead in the upcoming party elections.
I have been a member of Ireland First for a while now and I have watched the once great party, lose its driving force and former Party President, Top Gun.
Then, Its numbers started falling when Top Gun left and it has since taken a hammering in the congress elections.
Much of our Parties problem is that a large amount of our members are inactive and as a result the party is held together by the same 15 or so people all the time.
It is my intention to restore this party to its former glory and to make it the powerhouse of eIrish politics once again.
But, I cannot achieve this without the help and support of my own party members.
Some members have already endorsed me and have said they will do whatever they can to help me in my campaign. I hope to get the full support of all members of Ireland First in my campaign for Party President and I will be in contact with all of you in the the coming days.
I will also publish a more detailed article in the coming days, detailing what I propose to do if elected.
Until then, here is a brief list of some of the issues that I will tackle.

We should merge with former Fianna Fail.
We need to be much more active in the forums as a party.
We should pulish a monthly manifesto.
We should encourage all our members to be as active as they can.
Every member that runs for the congress elections should publish a presentation.
Our Party President should show excellent leadership and be most active.
Each congressman should be very active and propose at least 2 bills to the Dail during his term.

The above are just a brief summary of some of the issues I want to tackle.

Bryan O'Shea