Canadian Politics... somethings actually happening! Sort of...

Day 540, 07:27 Published in Canada Canada by Alexander Rearden

Save for a brief media frenzy leading up to the Presidential race and the ensuing drama Canadian politics as of late have been.... dull.

During last Party Presidentials the boomers lacked the political support and name power to truly change the face of Canada... well they do now! We have 5 Candidates, 4 boomers and Augustus, for the CSD and I count no less than 5 articles about the CSD when writing this little articleish thing.

There seems to be plenty of contention between interim PP, and congressmen, dabnmen and the veteran congressmen and former PP candidate Trenton Rendell especially regarding the departure of Cleo's departure. Finally there is a little flaming, a little oomph in the normally dull as a box a rocks Canadian political seen.

The PPC has Three Candidates, one being the founder of the party itself, Joey Phillips, the other major contender is Alias Vision media guru from the Freeholder press. While joey has put forward a platform for the entire country, Alias has went with only on how to improve the party. Which tactic will work out best tomorrow?

Lastly the CPP, this ancient party from the misty days of Beta (really, we had this really weird mist all over Canada back then... it was weird.) Has three well known contenders for PP, the wise (and really old) Tom Hagen, the young and ambitious Adasko, and the wildcard Cesar Augustus.

Meanwhile, in the smoke filled backrooms of eCanadian IRC the Presidential campaigns are already underway as both John Wilkmot and I play the politics game (one I as MoF have tried to stay out of) to gain as many parties as we can.