Canada's World Ranking (stats for the stat monkeys)

Day 554, 17:44 Published in Canada Canada by KungFu Pete

17:15 May 27, '09 | Day 554 of the New World

Got bored so I took a few minutes to compile some stats about eCanada. I tried to include our ranking compared to the rest of the world, as well as the world leaders where applicable. Don't forget to vote, subscribe, and most importantly, enjoy!

Total 5'485 - Rank 6th [USA 23'060]
Dying 1'193
Unhealthy 2'312
Good Health 1'432
Excellent Health 549

Average Level 12 - Rank 40th [Switzerland 15]

Private 4'475 - Rank 6th [USA 18'509]
Sergeant 119 - Rank 12th [Indonesia 1'386]
Lieutenant 128 - Rank 11th [Indonesia 2'622]
Captain 35 - Rank 15th [Hungary 1'111]
Colonel 41 - Rank 12th [Indonesia 913]
General 16 - Rank 16th [Indonesia 363]
Field Marshal 2 - Rank 18th [indonesia 77]

XP 618'117 - Rank 13th [Indonesia 6'109'353]
Strength 16'388 - Rank 9th [Indonesia 77'946]
Reserves 4'313 - Rank 6th [USA 17'630]
Soldiers 1'114 - Rank 9th [Indonesia 7'488]
Marines 57 - Rank 12th [Indonesia 1'192]
Tanks 2 - Rank 18th [Indonesia 71]

Total Number of Companies and Avarage Skill
Manufacturing 176 - Skill 0.96
Land 229 - Skill 0.67
Construction 39 - Skill 0.36