Canada, it's time!

Day 1,216, 20:45 Published in Canada Canada by Bruck's Canucks

eCanadians, we are calling for you to get up out of your seats, get off the sidelines and become part of something bigger. We want you to join one of eCanada's military forces today and start making a real difference.

Being a member of a Canadian military offers you a chance to enjoy this game more, to make a bigger difference not only on the battle field but in the eCanadian community, to make you known and respected as a warrior and as a patriot.

A few short days ago Crisfire asked our media department to prepare a battery of questions for a young CAF member. The premise of the interview is to showcase the similarities as well as the differences between our proud organizations form his perspective. In turn, one of our young TCOers will be interviewed by Cozza.

I traded a few emails with Ibnd and it does not take long to see this is a personable player.

Ibnd was born on Jan 31, 2011. He is well on his way to being a military man. A proud Captain*** with a solid strength of 719.00. At a quick glance, he should make strength 1k near the publishing of this article.

It all started when Ibnd found a forum ad for eRep. The economic module caught his eye and he decided to give it a try. "It was dokuntu's referral link. A shout-out to him, for having introduced me to this game."

-What is the community like in the CAF?
That's the best part it. The community is great! I joined at like Day 4, and the only reason why I haven't stopped playing this flawed game since is the people of the CAF. All the time at the channel (unless it's sleepy time for the lot) there's sure to be a lulzy conversation, debates of all kinds (I've seen a nerdy one once, and it wasn't nice), recipes being shared (*glares at a certain person😉, people kicking each other (now that's not pretty), and of course ORDERS BEING SHOUTED. Everyone is helpful, drop a line of help needed and many will jump to assist you. Our forums' activity has also seen a big rise recently; there are fun contests and forum games.

-In your opinion what sets CAF and TCO apart.
I can't give a deep insight. But at the time I was trying to decide which military to join, the main factor in joining CAF was because I thought the forums looked much better 😛 Other than that; the inner workings of two militaries, SPP vs. Slave Pits probably is probably a big factor for people. Though I believe the recent game-changes are in favour of slave pits.

-When in the loo do you fold or wad?
I wad, but I'd love to be able to fold and make an origami out of it, and perhaps leave the evidence there in public toilets. Modern art I tell ya.

-In your opinion do two eCanadian militaries help or hurt eCanada?
I think it helps. It is always good to have alternatives with different models of workings. One could get bored with one of the militaries and try the other for a change of air, without having to resort to another country.

-What do you see as the benefits of being in the CAF?
Once again, the biggest pro is the community. You have to know people and make yourself known if you intend to progress in this game. There are many important figures (old fags 😮) in the CAF, their insight always helps. Supplies help greatly of course; you develop much faster than you'd do alone. But then again that should be true for all militaries.

-Who is your favorite person in the CAF? and why?
That would be Code-Y 😃 He's been helping me since I started and still does. He's the one that recruited me to my party which resulted in meeting other great people and another increase in my progress~ He's also an economics guy, the part of the game I'm interested in the most but can't do much yet 😛 Also a great guy to hang out with at IRC! And another shout-out to El Presidente AMM, I love you too! xD

-Do you prefer bacon or sausage? Why?
We don't have bacon where I am, sadly. (Religious crap 😶) I'm thinking I'd love it though. But BBQ'd sausage with the proper sauces... YUMMY!

-What are your personal goals in the game and CAF?
I intend to have an eCareer in economics. And once I'm filthy rich enough, help new players as I was helped when I started. Charities and stuff. The political aspect of the game also intrigues me, but currently I don't have time for that. I love CAF, and will always be a part of them as long as I play, and fight where I'm ordered to. I don't think I'll ever chase BHs though, too much of a hassle 😛

-Do you believe the CAF and TCO help keep people interested in the game and playing longer?
Yes, as everyone nowadays say, activity and community is the key to this game. Unless you're a part of a military/political party and hence engage in whatever social activity this game can offer, I believe you're playing a single player game, just with a much better AI than usual. Therefore CAF/TCO is just the thing for it.

-Everyone knows that TemujinBC is the biggest douche in TCO. Who is the biggest douche in CAF?
Tem is a butt? I heard he's a rather nice guy. No douches, but Code-Y slaps everyone all the time, stone him! *runs to the corner*

-I see you're a business owner, how do you think the new economic model set by the Admin's will effect Canada's ability to defend herself?
Once everything reaches equilibrium again, I think there won't be a real difference, as long as our militaries and government adapt properly. Tanks will be crapped out globally, but so will be in Canada. The time of charities is coming strong than ever, and I believe this will affect how militaries work a lot. When I first started I thought bad of TCO's Slave Pits, but honestly now I think CAF should also approach that idea.

In the immortal words of Socrates, "...I drank what?"
Until next time kiddies, this is SGTRock signing off.

When you join you will be welcomed and trained to be an elite fighting machine, it’ll take time but with dedication and perseverance your skill levels well increase and your damage output will be that much greater.

Canadian militaries are families, you are not just a number.

Canadian militaries provide to their soldiers:

- Food supply drops

- Weapon supply drops

- Economy Booster money (when available), you produce more for your military and increase skill level at a faster pace

- A well organized military fighting force, promotion opportunities and a fun environment

- Competitions like 50/50 draws and housing raffles

- Forum medals and service and medal ribbons as well as other awards (awards vary by organisation)

- An opportunity to bring ideas to the table, lead fellow soldiers as officers and be a part of something bigger then yourself.

For those who don't have the time or the interest to get involved in a forum based community there is also HOPE.

Do something for yourself and your country, join today!

Click an image below and start your new eLife today, enlist and meet your full potential.