Canada: Disgusting

Day 942, 17:34 Published in Canada Canada by Bill Forder

Canada, I think I am going to puke

Recently I have had nothing to do, so I search through newspapers and I have read numerous articles. Canada, judging by the recent articles, I am going to have to say Canada is a pretty hateful country. There have been personal attacks between player and player, and party attacks from party to party and even player to party attacks. Pretty weird to fight when we can be united and taking Liaoning or creating a more economy efficient Canada.

Don't act like you're not doing it

I understand that 1ronman has caused a lot of people pain and ecrying. No I am not going to defend him, probably becuase I think he is guilty, but we eCanadians are beating the dead horse.We are beating a really, really, dead and EDEN screwed horse.

I know he took your jobs but I hope you all realize you don't have to keep writing hate articles on him, he is already politically and trust ruined. Who knows, now he might quit erepublik or move to an other country, so there is no point of attacking him still.

Tl;dr: Stop beating the dead horse(1ronman), stop attacking each other because it makes the enemy's job easier.