Canada, America: This is It (Good Fight All)

Day 916, 19:04 Published in Canada USA by Joseph Schmo
It was a great fight. One of the best in awhile. Unlike the Serbians, however, we fought smart. For instance, we did not order our military to beserk. We are not weakened. They are. Next time, we will be even more well prepared. Who cares if we lose a few times? It only takes one victory to make up for all of the losses. So keep your heads up, bros. We may have lost this battle, but there will be many more in this war.

Oh hey Canada. You don't know me yet (I'm a brand new citizen), but this isn't the time for introductions. We can deal with that later. To my American subscribers: I do believe you'll be interested in this.

The United States has just launched what promises to be one of the biggest battles in the history of eRepublik. In American terms, it is the last of the Three Pillars. To Canadians (and the rest of EDEN), it is simply one of the most important battles we have fought in a long time.

Losing this region could cripple the Serbian and Phoenix economies. Hello Kitty and Lion King were, arguably, the two most important regions to Phoenix economically. They already lost Hello Kitty. Now it is time to take something else from them. This is the one we have been waiting a long time for. It is time for all Canadians and all Americans to put their political differences aside and kick some Serbian butt.

Canada: You cannot fight in this battle from home. Those of you in the Canadian Armed Forces: Follow your orders!!!! To those not in the CAF: get a moving ticket, pick up some guns, move to Karnataka, USA, and be a part of history. If you cannot afford a moving ticket, PM Canadian National Defense asking for one, and they'll have you in Karnataka ASAP.

America: You guys don't have to pick up a moving ticket. So, those of you who aren't in the eUS Military: pick up some guns, and be a part of history. If you cannot afford guns, get some free ones from the government (fighting for Fingerguns is just as good as fighting against the Serbians).

Canada, America (and any other EDEN readers I might have): This is it. Let's show them just how powerful we can be while united.

Yours Truly,
Joseph Schmo
Some Guy Who Did Stuff