Can You Take Some Time?

Day 1,276, 18:00 Published in USA United Kingdom by Metta WorldPeace

Hello and welcome to what I hope to be an excellent article. In this article I will be stating my stances in a very short article on my run for Congress in Louisiana this 25th!

Who Am I?
First I'll be starting with my previous experiences. I would like to note that I am a proud member of the Federalist Party (Feds) since I joined this game nearly 2 months ago.

-Former Federalist PartyCurator
-2x Ambassador to eVenezuela
-Federalist Easy Company Private
- A Federalist

I am well known for not being well known, but I hope to change that in the coming months.

Congress Experience
I ran for Congress every month last month...

But seriously, I have no prior experience in Congress, but how does one gain experience if one is never given the opportunity.

The most obvious of (successful) war problems right now is the war with TERRA and her allies. For a while we have been pushing them farther back everyday and thriving from it. This shows promise as if the sleeping beast inside of us has finally decided to burst out with a roar. In a months time, I see us (along with our allies) occupying Mexico of course, and possibly even Spain. We have shown them that Americans join together as one to achieve what is right in the eWorld.

There is no doubt that you have noticed how our money is more valuable, but gold continues to climb in prices.. These high gold prices are due to the new economic module. This causes problems for everyone. How come our money is worth so much more now, but gold around the gold is costing everyone an arm and a leg. Regardless of the prices, we need to push to get this problem resolved. It is possible that there is a "gold shortage" (for me at least). But this is highly unlikely as people stand to make a near 150% profit off of selling gold. Its just the price, and given time and measures, it will go down. Maybe Im not the smartest person on the economy, but I am a hard worker, pushing American industry forward just like everyone else, and to me, thats all that matters.

You may be wondering, "Why should I vote for this guy?" The answer is not simple and not one I can answer completely. The answer I have is that I have the grit, the know how, and most importantly the drive to be YOUR Congressman for Louisiana. I can answer any of your questions and help you out with whatever you might need, just send me PM and I'll be sure to send you one right back!

Yours Truly,
J. W. Bullwinkle